As a result of military attacks, 120 thousand Syrian residents expelled from their homes


POS KUPANG.COM – [Plusde120000civilsdoiventquitterleurfoyeràcausedel'offensivemilitairesyriennedanslapartiesud-ouestdupaysquiadébutélasemainedernièrepardesgroupesdesurveillancedelaguerrevendredi(29/6)alorsqueUnhautresponsabledesNationsUniesamisengardecontreuneéventuellecatastropheparcequ'ilrisquaitd'êtreprisentrebelligérants

Government forces and their allies appear to make great progress in the province of Deraa, in eastern Syria where the official media proclaim small town. Activist leader says the opposition frontline has collapsed

The offensive supported by Russia has killed at least 98 civilians, including 19 children, since June 19, according to Syrian Observatory of Human Rights. Tens of thousands of people have been displaced at the border with Jordan and thousands have fled to Israel's border with the Golan Heights, according to the British-based surveillance group

Israel and Jordan – which hosted 650,000 Syrian refugees. "We have the right to face bombings, Russian bombs and Syrian warplanes," said 36-year-old Abu Khaled Al-Hariri. Al-Harak Small town on the Golan Heights with his wife and five children

"We are waiting for God to help us with tents, blankets and helpers." The United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights Man, Zeid Ra'ad Al-Hussein, said that there was a dangerous risk that many civilians would be caught between government forces and insurgent groups. the Islamic State who had a small camp there, which would therefore be a "catastrophe."

"The real concern is that we will witness the recurrence of what we have witnessed in Eastern Ghouta – blood shed, suffering, civilians detained, the siege, "said Liz Throssell, UN spokesman for human rights.

Syrian government forces, backed by Russian air forces, turned the center of the insurgency into an insurgent last remaining enclave. which is under siege, including East Ghouta, near the Syrian capital, Damascus. The attack was directed to Deraa, which is not part of the province of Quneitra, which is adjacent and ruled by insurgents at the border of the Golan Heights, more sensitive to Israel.

The action has shaken the negotiations of tension negotiated by the United States. Jordan and most have held back fighting in the southwestern part of Syria since last year. (*)

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