Assad Bomb Attack at the shelter of Quneitra kills children


Al-Mayadeen television linked to Shiite militia Hezbollah reported, pro-Bashar troops advanced into the mountains of Tel Mashara

  Assad Bomb Attacks in Quneitra Shelters Kills Children


Bomb blast kills 15 Syrian opposition members in Daraa At least 10 civilians lost their lives in bomb attacks by the regime Bashar al-Assad at the shelter of asylum seekers in Quneitra.

bombed a village controlled by an opposition militia in Quneitra. The territory is adjacent to the Golan Heights occupied by Israel.

They aim to resume a conspiracy between the provinces of Daraa and Quneitra still in the hands of the militia of the opposition.

Monitors Syrian Observatory of Human Rights The UK-based SOHR claims that jet fighters belonging to the Russian Air Force would fly over the village of Mashara, 11 kilometers from the Golan border

Read: Israel attacks the forces of the Bashar regime in Quneitra

Most of the border areas of Quneitra on the Golan Heights, which are under Israeli occupation, are controlled by military opposition groups.

South of the border, the Daesh terrorist organization is still active. shows its existence in an area called Tasil.

Television al-Mayadeen who has a kai Shiite militiamen from Hezbollah announced that pro-Bashar troops had advanced into the Tel Mashara Mountains.

Opposition militia began evacuating to the city of Daraa in southern Syria.

Opposition militia officials, Abu Shaima, told the news agency Reuters that at least 500 fighters were mounted in 15 buses and that It was from those who left


The opposition militias have left the colony of Daraa al-Balad under their control for years until the capitulation of the people. a market last week. Under the agreement, the fighters abandoned the weapons and those who did not want to live under the authority of the state can move.

One of the opposition fighters, Abdullah Masalmah, also said Reuters "I can not forget the thousands of people who were killed by the regime, not to mention orphans, wounded and prisoners, "he said, quoted by Aljazeera Monday, July 16, 2018. * 19659020]! Function (f, b, e, v, n, t, s) {if (f.fbq) returns; n = f.fbq = function () {n.callMethod?
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