Avoid making love to 5 years for health


Did you know that health problems or, under certain conditions, are not good for making love with your partner, you can not have bad with negligence and put aside the conditions that are felt.

Because, instead of the pleasure you feel, it's the opposite. For that, knowing the moment of the bad to avoid can help you to obtain a pleasant feeling of love while remaining safe.

Under certain conditions, your badual desire must sometimes be suppressed and not obeyed. The following are some of the badual moments that should be avoided Good morning:

1. Before making a smear

The Pap smear is one of the important tests recommended to detect cervical cancer in women.

In this test, the doctor will insert a device called a speculum into the bad. This tool is used to dilate the bad so that doctors can clearly see the cervix or cervix. The next step then is to take cervical cell samples with the help of a device called spatula.

Well, for accurate smear results, the doctor will usually ask you not to have bad, use spermicidal products or shower the day before the procedure. Because the chemicals contained in spermicides and the original shower or sperm products can make smear results less sensitive and less accurate.

The results of the tests that turned out to be positive may have disguised and tended to be negative. This is certainly dangerous because if the result is positive, the doctor should be able to provide immediate treatment so that the cancer can be solved early in its onset.

However, since the test results are inaccurate due to the presence of sperm in the cervix, the doctor takes no action because the results are considered negative, so you are considered to be free of cancer cells.

2. When pain and badl bleeding

Although clients come every month, some women may have bleeding outside of their periods. When you bleed outside of your menstrual schedule, this may indicate some problem in the body. Cervical abnormalities are one of the conditions that make bleeding outside of menstruation.

Therefore, when the problem occurs, it is not the right time to make love. Especially if you often feel pain during or after bad. Better to consult a doctor first to find the exact cause. Then ask the doctor when you can have bad.

3. In case of badl infection

Vaginal infections usually cause nauseating badl discharge. In addition, other symptoms such as badl itching, burning, burning and pelvic pain that you usually feel. Well, when these symptoms appear, the moment is not conducive to make love with a partner.

Having bad when you have an infection not only hurts, but can also spread germs to other organs such as the pelvis. If it has spread, the infection becomes more difficult to treat. Especially, it turns out that the infection she owns is contagious. You feel not only the effects, but also your partner.

4. After the surgery

Even though the body seems to be fine, in some cases, bad after the surgery can worsen the condition. Heather Rupe, DO, an American obstetrician, said, according to WebMD, that her patients had complications after a hysterectomy due to too fast bad.

Therefore, do not only feel healthy on the outside, but also think about the health of your internal organs after the surgery. Before deciding to have bad, ask the doctor when badual intercourse takes place just after the surgery you have just undergone.

5. In case of complications of pregnancy

Sexual intercourse during pregnancy is not prohibited, provided that the uterus is in good health. However, when you experience various complications of pregnancy, such as placenta previa and risk of preterm birth, avoid badual intercourse.

Because bad can make both of these conditions worse. Especially if recently you have bleeding and stomach upset, do not go to bed before the doctor recommends it.

6. after childbirth

Shortly after childbirth, it is not the right time to make love. Yes, you should not have bad for at least six weeks. This rule applies equally to women who deliver by caesarean section or normally. After delivery, you will feel a number of normal badl tears and in the abdomen during a cesarean section.

Having bad before curing the bad and drying out the wound can increase the risk of dangerous infections. So even if you give birth by caesarean section. Even if you only have tears around the abdomen, badual activity can aggravate the wound and cause pain due to stitches that have not completely dried.

We recommend that you do not have bad or do not have bad with your partner at the time indicated above for your health.

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