Babar Regent is never revealed to have measles until he is dizzy


Report of Bangka Pos reporter, Nordin

BANGKAPOS.COM, BANGKA – Regent of West Bangka H. Parhan Ali recounts that he was touched by measles and that it was Fainted because his immune system is weak

. or 1994, when he was about to make the pilgrimage.

"I had measles, I fainted because I was not strong, so I was 40 years old" Parhan told guests and guests during advocacy and socialization In order to implement the vaccination campaign, Tuesday (24/7)

He stated that vaccination is very important, Indonesia is committed to eliminating measles and related diseases up to # 39, in 2020.
Vaccination is not enough to overcome this disease, could be spared.

"This activity is the second volume, conducted in 2017 on the island of Java, and this year in all islands, including Bangka Bel (19659003) Immunization will be done in vaccination posts planned, that is to say in schools and other institutions such as posyandu, puskesmas, etc.

"I hope that in West Bangka this can be eliminated and avoided to the maximum," he hoped . (*)

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