Backed by banking and technology stocks, Wall Street Closed Green


NEW YORK, – The US stock market, Wall Street, closed higher on Thursday afternoon (28/6/2018) after having corrected rather abruptly at the close of trading Wednesday (27 / 6 /2018).

Bank and technology transactions were the main factors that pushed the three main Wall Street indexes to rise higher than before

The Dow Jones Industrial Avarage rose 98, 46 points to 24,216.05 after a brief drop to 100 points on the opening session, with Boeing as the most performing action.

Meanwhile, the S & P 500 closed up 0.62% to 2,716.31. The Nasdaq composite index climbed 0.79% to 7,503.68 while Amazon shares rose 2.4%.

JPMorgan, Goldman Sachs, Citigroup, Morgan Stanley and Bank of America all rose by more than 1%. Although earlier, the stock market was under pressure this week, due to growing tensions between the United States and some of its trading partners.

The three major indices of Wwall Street, Dow Jones, S & P 500 and Nasdaq Composite have fallen at least percent since last Monday.

Currently, the United States not only deals with China in trade matters, but also with the EU. Because President Donald Trump had threatened the EU to impose a tariff of up to 20%, via his Twitter account.

"Few investors really intend to leave," said Icon Advisers founder Craig Callahan. "They want to be in stock because of their incomes, but they also want to get out of the uncertainty – it's an act of balance," he said.

According to Crossmark Global Investment chief executive Paul Townsen, trade policy remains uncertain, volatility or uncertainty will still overshadow the global market. [19] (f, b, e, v, n, t, s) {if (f.fbq) returns; n = f.fbq = function () {n.callMethod?
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