Bad Kaprah sweetened milk, BPOM tighten advertising rules – VIVA


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VIVA – Milk is a source of nutritional needs for everyone, especially infants and toddlers. Whether it is bad milk or bad milk, it is important that pasteurization of milk be consumed as a source of nutrition by infants, children and adolescents.

The importance of dairy profits is often misunderstood by society. One of them, the excessive consumption of sweetened condensed milk (SKM), precisely triggers a negative impact such as obesity.

Why? Arif Hidayat, general manager of Yayasan Abhipraya Insan Cendekia Indonesia (YAICI) has successfully received the liberation VIVA mentioned some time ago that SKM is designated as topping Food and drink now turns into a healthy beverage, the sugar content exceeds 50 percent.

He further calls this the result of the large number of businesses using children in their product listings. Although the product is not intended for children, such as advertisements and sweetened condensed milk (SKM) labels. "The label and advertising certainly misleads the parents," he said.


decisive step, the body of POM makes a firm decision regarding SKM for consumers, especially children. Regulations apply to producers of sweetened condensed milk to pay attention to forms of advertising in circulation

In the BPOM circular on the labeling and advertising of dairy products and the like, BPOM states that need to protect consumers from false and misleading information. (par) of Article 104 paragraph (1) and Article 104 paragraph (1) of Law No. 18 of 2012 on food and Article 5 paragraph (1) ) and Article 44 paragraph (1)) Government Regulation No. 69/1999 on the labeling and advertising of food, it is submitted that the labeling and advertising of condensed dairy products and the like to pay attention to several things

"It is forbidden to post children under the age of 5. Condensed dairy products and badogues to other dairy products as additives and nutritional supplements. Other dairy products include cow's milk, pasteurized milk, sterilized milk, infant formula, milk growth, "said BPAT MP Suratmono in his circular, quoted VIVA Tuesday, June 3, 2018. [19659009] Later, the ban to use visualize images of liquid milk and / or milk in a glbad as well as serve in a brewed or consumed way as a drink. The second point is that the producer / importer / distributor of condensed dairy products and badogues must adapt to this circular letter no later than six months after the date of the stipulation ", he said. said.

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