Banking performance LEASE 1 and 2, revised bankers RBB



KONTAN.CO.ID – JAKARTA . The performance of small banks is still depressed by the aggressiveness of the fat banks. The profits made by the bank in the BUKU 1 and BUKU 2 groups are still eroded. Data from the Financial Services Authority (OJK) as of April 2018, BOOK 1 Bank's net profit fell annually or the year (slipping annual rate) of 20,61%. Meanwhile, the net profit of BUKU 2 Bank has been reduced by 23.64% year-on-year.

The decline in profits, because the lending of small banks is still lethargic. Bank lending 1 BOOK stagnated at 2.98% yoy to 42.5 trillion rupees. While the growth of Bank BOOK 2 has fallen 12.39% year on year to 502.47 billion Rp. Faced with stagnant credit growth, small banks are revising KUR's pipeline goal.

One of the banking groups of BOOK 2, PT Bank Mayora has revised the bank's business plan for its loan portfolio goal in 2018 to 8% -9% YoY. Bank Mayora originally planned to deliver 13% -14% YoY. Mayora bank chief executive Irfanto Oeij said that the average credit growth of the BUKU 1 and 2 banking group tends to decrease in the first half of 2018.

"This is due to the complete restoration of economic conditions in which clients are not investing, to reduce the cost of credit, and there is still pressure from BUKU 3 and 4 banking groups, "Irfanto told on Sunday (8/7).

Irfanto softened, in the first half of 2018, Mayora Bank's credit growth reached 8% -9% yoy. Just so you know, in the financial statements, June 2017 Bank Mayora loans Rp 3.45 billion. The Bank will maintain a ratio of non-performing loans (19459007) of 2.7% to 2.9%. While the target profit until the end of the year reached 50 billion Rp.

"Despite the revision of the credit target in RBB, we have not revised the goal of leverage (DPK) because of the growth of deposits following the growth of loans, "added Irfanto. In May 2018, in the financial statements, the collection of Bank Mayora Deposits decreased by 0.88% to Rp 4.49 billion.

In the second half of 2018, Mayora Bank will continue to impose loans in the trade sector. In order to maintain a positive performance, Ifranto has put in place a strategy to maintain existing customers efficiency and search for potential customers.

Regarding the rise in interest rates of the central bank, Mr. Irfanto indicated that Mayora Bank would adjust its interest rate by raising its interest rate by 25 points. base (bps) at 50 bps.

One of the members of Bank BUKU 1, PT Bank Indonesia Dinar Tbk, also experienced the same thing. According to the director of the Dinar Bank, Hendra Lie, his team has revised the bank's business plan (RBB), whether it is credit, DPK or profit to be made.

Initially, management was targeting credit growth of 17.5% and deposits of 12.5% ​​by the end of the year. Unfortunately, Hendra did not specify the new target. But Hendra said, in the first half, Dinar Bank's credit growth increased by 2.27% YoY to Rp 1.35 billion. While deposits rose 8.58% YoY to Rp 1.77 trillion. The NPL target at the end of the year is 2.1%.

"The credit of BUKU 1 bank in the first half of 2018, generally slowed down.Bank Bank 1 weighs loan rate . Bank Book Group 3 and 4 landing rate- 5% – 11% while Bank BUKU 1 to 13%, "Hendra told, Sunday (8/7).

By the end of the year, Dinar Bank will continue to focus its efforts on small business loans or small and medium enterprises (SMEs). The Dinar Bank itself has adjusted the central bank's benchmark rate hike by raising its new lending interest rate from 0.5% to 13.5%. As for the credit that is being executed, it is still being revised.

Reporter: Maizal Walfajri
Author: Barratut Taqiyyah Rafie

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