Be careful, Neck Buzz for the baby spa turns danger


TRIBUNJOGJA.COM – Lately, baby spas are so popular among mothers of big cities. one of the usual facilities in baby spas is a buoy for baby's neck.

Baby collars are also a lot we meet in social media. From Instagram to Facebook to YouTube

But wait, before using it to your child, parents please know it.

In a new report, Birthlight and the Swimming Teachers Association (STA) revealed the fact of setting up the baby in a special spa course was risky

Starting with the physical hazards, neurological and psychological.

To begin, the baby spa keeps children away from adults, thus avoiding human contact.

Although parents and officers are always there for safety reasons, babies can not live freely in the water.

In the report, Françoise Freedman, founder of Birthlight, said that there was a potential risk. often who claim absolute safety and comfort for babies, but restrict them to freedom of movement, what we now know

He also stated that when a baby hangs vertically in the water with a head supported by a rigid foam structure, especially a baby less than five months old, beriisko causes smooth and gentle vertebral compression in the baby's neck

. Not only that, the neck buoy for the baby also causes tension in the baby's ligaments and muscles. All are at risk of injury.

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