Before the holidays in Okinawa, these are the things you need to know


NAHA, – In a way, Okinawa is part of Japan's most unique and different. The difference is in culture, climate, ancestry, and how to enjoy the tour.

OCVB Sales and Promotion of the Asian Market, Mini Aniya says that Okinawa is another side of Japan. Okinawa is not a noisy Japanese, crowded, and in a hurry. Here life goes on casually and modestly.

"If you want another Japan and antimainstream then come to Okinawa," he said on KompasTravel

Here are some Things You Should Know:


Okinawa is the southernmost prefecture of Japan, flanked by the South China Sea and the Pacific Ocean. As a result Okinawa has beautiful beaches.

There are 160 small and large islands in Okinawa, of which only 46 are populated.

The islands are also very close to Taiwan, China and the Philippines. Even from the country's capital, Tokyo.

  Beautiful beaches of Okinawa views of Kouri Ocean Tower on the island of Kouri, Saturday (30/06/2018). KOMPAS.COM / MUHAMMAD IRZAL ADIAKURNIA Beautiful Beach The beaches of Okinawa are seen from the Kouri Ocean tower on the island of Kouri on Saturday, September 30, 1961.

Okinawa is divided in three parts, the first is the mountainous northwestern area with the town of Nago in the center. Then the central part is very far from American culture since the Second World War, and the southern region with its capital Naha is rich in oriental culture.


Japan is famous for its empire, but Okinawa has its own story. Built since the 15th century by the Ryukyu Kingdom in 1406. The kingdom actively negotiates with the Chinese and Malays in Southeast Asia.

As a result, Japanese culture in Okinawa is greatly influenced by China and Southeast Asia. Okinawa was officially under the influence of the Japanese Empire after its annexation in the late 19th century, thus affecting different languages.

The history of the Second World War reports that Okinawa was ruled by America by building military bases there. At that time, Okinawa became the most decisive battleground of the peaceful theater.


Due to geographical conditions and especially history, the culture of Okinawa is also different from Japan in general. Okinawa is more contaminated by American culture in terms of food and strong English.

However, due to the enormous influence of the Ryukyu Kingdom at the time, Okinawa has a strong distinctive culture, a mixture of Chinese and Southeast Asian customs. 19659007] Culinary

Although slightly mixed with American cuisine, it is still very easy to find fresh sushi and sashimi, as well as sake.

Okinawans are known as pork lovers. For them, all parts of this animal can be used as food from the feet to the skin of the face. But you can also easily find a vegetarian dish here.

The kingdom of Ryukyu also has a great influence on its gastronomy, there are several distinctive fish, typical of seaweed, with typical sake. This royal cuisine is a mix of Japanese, Chinese and Western quiners.


Unlike Japan's high-tech centers in Okinawa, you'll still find clbadic buses that run through the center of the city. You can also use a taxi from modern to clbadic.

Other Options You can also use the monorail to rent cars and motorcycles in order to save more money.


Life in Okinawa will be very different from that of Tokyo, Osaka or Fukuoka. In Okinawa, people enjoy life, without haste, from elsewhere, so the life expectancy is very high.

Okinawa is known as a friendly zone for the elderly of the Japanese. Okinawa women can often survive for 110 years.


Do not compare the Okinawa tours with the theme park in Tokyo or Osaka. If you are in Okinawa, you must enjoy its magnificent natural beauty.

Its beachfront spans are a convenient place for dolphins and whale sharks on the move. For diving enthusiasts, Okinawa is the right place. Over 40 points of diving you can catch, even Okinawa has its own scuba diving license (Si, f,; n = f.fbq = function () {n.callMethod?
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