Begal Sadis in Tangerang, new victims of TKW returning from Thailand


TEMPO.CO, Tangerang – The neighbors of Saripah, the victims of gunfire and stabbing at Cipondoh Tangerang still do not believe whether the two women of childbearing age become victims of sadism.

"We are shocked, until now still not believe," said Evi Yunita, 35, a neighboring victim when he is met by Tempo in Cipete, Pinang, Tangerang, on Thursday, July 5, 2018.

Saripah, with her husband and two children, has been in RT02 for three years. "If her husband has been here for two years, Ms. Saripah returned from Thailand as a migrant worker four months ago," says Evi.

Read: Neighbor's word on the sacrifice of Begal Sadis in Tangerang

he is a few months old, but Saripah is well known to locals as a friendly and kind person. "The same person, the nose, often the Nawarin food and drink," says Evi.

Saripah Binti Asman 34 years old became a motorcycle victim on Rasuna Said Road, Cipondoh, Tangerang City, Wednesday evening at 7:00 pm

When Saripah with her husband and children bought a pulse at the mobile kiosk at Jalan Rasuna Said RT.04 / 01 Pakojan Town Village Pinang Subdistrict Tangerang, at 19:00, about 3 kilometers from his residence.

Read: Begal pregnant women Victims in Tangerang apparently driving Ojek online

Citizen of Gajah Mada street RT.02 / 01 The urban village of Cipete, Pinang sub-district is waiting on the motor with his son. At this point, two men immediately grabbed the victim's motorcycle.

Saripah keeps the bike that was going to be taken that way. But the attacker immediately shot the victim and pierced his stomach. Although she was brought to Awal Bros. Tangerang Hospital, Saripah's life was not helped.

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