Benefits of Baby Massage for Growth and Health


JAKARTA – Baby mbadage performed by seraca parents routine to give a lot of health benefits, influence on the development of infants. The process of communication and learning. "Even though important, baby mbadage has become one of the programs of the Ministry of Health in 34 Provinces of Indonesia

" Not only reinforces the links for babies and parents, but also the Ritual mbadage and baby mbadage during neonatal periods. baby's immunity and accelerate blood circulation, "said dr. Bernie Endyarnie Medise, SpA (K), MPH of UKK Social Development Growth, Pediatrician of Indonesian Doctors (IDAI).

"In addition, the baby's mbadage can help babies to sleep well as well as the digestive system which is important to digest and absorb the food.While doing so, the mother helps the baby to become more strong to continue to grow and develop optimally, "he adds

However, the mbadage is given directly to the mother, to the other person.The reason, the touch of Love behind the baby's mbadage is given to the mother, and the bond between the children and the mother is also important for the good growth of the children.The mbadage is given from the tip of the head of her legs.

This should speed up babies' blood vessels so the intake of nutrients will be well channeled to the whole body.As for the time, the baby's mbadage does not need to be s & # 39; Ideally, the mbadage is done less than 10-15 minutes. At the same time providing a mbadage, the mother concentrates and sometimes does not perform activities such as playing the mobile phone.

"Should be subject to the shaman, nurse, other people, fathers or grandmothers are allowed, his maid is still active, while we will have a multi-sensory stimulation of the physical development of babies, c & # 39; is perfect, "he said.


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