Beware of the first six heart attack symptoms

[ad_1] – The mortality rate from noncommunicable diseases continues to increase. Heart attack has become one of the most serious threats

According to studies of diseases, data published in the newspaper The Lancet, for example, indicate that 54.7 million people are dead in the world in 2016

. Neighborhoods (72.3%) are due to noncommunicable diseases such as heart disease, stroke and cancer.

In retrospect, for a decade since 2006, there has been an increase of 16% or 5.5 million people. The biggest culprit is ischemic heart disease which causes 9.5 million deaths

With the high risk of heart disease, we must know the first symptoms of the disease for immediate action.


According to Northwell Health's cardiologist, Dr. Stacey E. Rosen, MD, fatigue is one of the most common symptoms of heart disease. Especially seen in women.

Reported from WebMD when a heart attack occurs, blood flow to the heart decreases. So, the heart muscle has an extra tension that makes us tired.

"For 25 years of practice, I find that people who have heart attacks say they feel tired and can not move normally" Rosen

If you experience it and worry about it is a symptom of heart disease, do a cardiac activity test with electrocardiogram (EKG).

Read also: Have a pot belly? Attention to the risk of multiple heart attacks

2. Back pain, arms or chest

Back pain, chest or arm may be another common symptom of heart disease .

On the page described, heart muscle cells begin to run out of oxygen during a heart attack. blood vessels blocked, blood carrying oxygen was blocked.

The pain signals are then transmitted by the nervous system. Our brain may be confused as to the origin of the signal because of the proximity of the nerve. For this to be pain in the shoulders, elbows, upper back, jaw or neck.

Since pain is often not followed by chest fat badociated with a heart attack, many people ignore it. the pain is only felt during exercise, so they badume that it comes from sport, but not, "he said.

" If the symptoms are new, they are alarming and will immediately consult doctor. "

3. Short Breath

If shortness of breath occurs when we are flying or ascending a ladder, then it is a commonplace. we suddenly feel breathless, so this could be a heart attack signal.

Annapoorna Now, MD, Mount Sinai Hospital, adds, if short breathing occurs when you wake up , reports that something is wrong.

According to, the heart plays a key role in the drainage of oxygen throughout the body and the removal of carbon dioxide from tissues. Inhibited blood flow can affect the way we breathe.

Read also: Knowing healthy foods for the heart

4. Chest pain or burping

If you sometimes feel chest pains after a heavy meal, you should not worry However, if the chest pain is unusual and very disturbing, call the doctor as this may be a sign of a heart attack.

Gastroenterologist Ryan Madonick tells, a burning chest pain called Angina. Angina caused a lack of blood flow to the heart and caused a heart attack.

5. Abdominal Pain

Symptoms of a heart attack may also cause stomach problems, such as nausea, vomiting or a tense stomach. Especially in women.

"It may be because the food is taken, but it can also be a heart attack, so try to contact a doctor," Dr. Rosen said.

6. Uncomfortable in the neck, throat or jaw

Unnatural malaise that occurs in the neck, jaw or throat be an indication of a heart attack. If this happens, we should immediately contact the doctor.

Rosen added, especially if it happens in diabetics. They tend not to experience symptoms such as chest pain.

A number of patients with heart attacks also mentioned that they often felt that something was wrong.

If you feel the same, consult your doctor immediately. (f, b, e, v, n, t, s) {if (f.fbq) returns; n = f.fbq = function () {n.callMethod?
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