BI decides to raise benchmark interest rate 50 basis points


JAKARTA, – Bank Indonesia (BI) at the meeting of the Board of Governors (RDG) Thursday, (28/2018) to Friday, (29/6/2018) decided to raise again the BI reference rate "This decree comes into effect today, Friday, June 29, 2018," said the governor of the Indonesian Bank Perry Warjiyo at a press conference after the meeting.

In addition to the 7-day reverse repo rate, the deposit rate also increased by 50bp to 4.5p. 100, and the interest rate also increased by 50bp to 6%

. Perry explained that the basic decision of this decision is a precautionary measure to strengthen economic stability, especially the stability of the exchange rate against the projected US Federal Reserve rate increase (19459006) and up to the end of the year. at 4 times a year.

(Read: The Tribe Politics is still supported by a dual intervention on the foreign exchange market and the public debt market.

The Bank of Indonesia believes that policies can enhance stability

Earlier, in May, BI raised its benchmark interest rate by 25 basis points each.

The Board of Governors of the Indonesian Bank declared the rate hike reference interest: maintain eroded foreign exchange reserves to stabilize the rupee exchange rate since the beginning of 2018. [if (f.fbq) return; n = f.fbq = function () {n.callMethod?
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