BI rate increases, BTN loan interest rate still fixed


TEMPO.CO, Jakarta – Chief Executive Officer of PT Bank Tabungan The State (BTN) Maryono said that he did not want to directly raise lending rates. He responds to the Bank of Indonesia that raised the interest rate by 50 basis points

"Yes adjustment that does not mean that we immediately raise the rates of interest." We will do this gradually, because this first influence is the bottom interest, but the increase is not as big as BI, "said Maryono at a meeting at Halalbihalal. at home Minister of State Enterprises Rini Soemarno, Jakarta, Saturday, June 30, 2018.

Read: 5.25 Percent

Maryono said that BTN will count with the liquidity factor. " If the effect is little we do, "said Maryono.

Yesterday, June 29, 2018, the Bank of Indonesia raised the reference rate of BI 7 -RR by 50 basis points (bps ) at 5.25% The decision was made at the meeting of the Board of Governors (RDG).

The decision to increase the rate of interest of ref erence was also followed by the deposit facility 19459007 from 50bps to 4.50%. While loan facility increased by 50 basis points to 6.00 percent. With the increase, BI has raised interest rates three times in the last six months.

According to Maryono, the BI rate increase is a good decision. In addition, BI offers two new policies, namely the easing of liquidity and loan allocation. In this way, Maryono said, it is expected that the credit will not decrease with the BI rate increase

Read: Bank Mandiri and BTN deposit interest will be increased

Maryono said that He would react to rising interest rates from three to six months. "Yes, about three to six months, just three to three months of adjustment," said Maryono.

As for Maryono, BTN 's credit growth has increased by 22 percent by the end of the year. In the second quarter, this reached about 20%.

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