BI recalls increasing risk of range of developing countries


BUENOS AIRES – The meeting of finance ministers and central bankers and deputies of the G20 countries in Buenos Aires, Argentina, on 19-22 July 2018, stressed the need to increase international cooperation for overcome the uncertainty of global financial markets. The Indonesian delegation, led by the Minister of Finance of the Republic of Indonesia and Vice Governor of the Indonesian Bank (IB), Dody Budi Waluyo, attended the meeting (19659002). According to Dody, in the BI release, the global economy is expected to still experience solid growth of 3.9% in 2018 and 2019, but has begun to show the risk of slowing growth in the medium term and growth factors. increasing risk. the standardization of several interest rates of the central bank and geopolitical tensions in some regions, "said Dody.The impact of technological developments on the financial sector also influenced the discussions at meetings, especially on the benefits of financial technologies for consumers, investors and the economy and the risks badociated with the development of financial technology G20 countries are encouraged to improve communication and policy coordination to maintain macroeconomic stability and finance, and to support multilateralism in the resolution of global economic and financial problems.

The G20 Finance Minister and the Governor of the Central Bank also stressed the importance of strengthening the future of the G20's cooperation and effectiveness as a key forum for discussing global issues and generate common solutions.

The dynamics of the global economy in the G20 discussions is in line with the BI badessment, reflected in the meeting of the Board of Governors on July 18 and 19, 2018. On this occasion, the BI reported an increase in currency risk in many countries. increase interest rates to maintain stability, despite strong and robust domestic economic conditions that do not necessarily need to increase.

In this regard, BI emphasizes the importance of strengthening monetary and fiscal policy and strengthening coordination with the government and the competent authorities. stability and encourage the implementation of structural reforms. At the meeting, the Governor of BI supported the agenda of the Argentine G20 presidency by discussing the global economy.

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