BIJB Official Scheduled Flights Service


BANDUNG – West Java International Airport (BIJB) Kertajati, Majalengka, West Java (Jabar), officially serves scheduled weekly flights on July 1, 2018. The route is Kertajati – Surabaya, East Java and vice versa [19659002"AveclapromulgationdevolsréguliersdevraitouvririmmédiatementunenouvellerouteverslazonepotentielledeKertajatiMajalengkaJavaOuest"adéclaréledirecteurdesopérationsetdudéveloppementcommercialdePTBIJBAgusSugengWidodoàBandungJavaOuesthier

Serve successfully additional flight flying towards Idul Fitri Idul Fitri season from 8 to 24 June 2018. the fairway Kertajati – Surabaya and vice versa aspire l & # 39; public interest with the airline Citilink . Each flight of seats is always complete. After Kertajati Airport has served an additional flight to the community during the Lebaran holiday season until June 24, now the official airport as of July 1 becomes a scheduled flight with the Citilink's airline, "he added

.Agus, the letter of appointment of the airport of Kertajati can serve regular flights already signed by the Ministry of Transport, the Director of Air Transport and the General Directorate of This means that the newly inaugurated airport on May 24, 2018 is very open to serve potential areas in Indonesia.

Citilink Airlines with the Kertajati – Surabaya road and on the contrary is still the only one serving pbadengers on air transportation needs.If previously Kertajati – Surabaya at 07:25 now becomes 15.10.While the Surabaya – Kertajati road at the beginning at 5:00 am is now in the process of fly at 12:35

In addition to Citilink airlines such as Lion Air and Sriwijaya have also expressed interest. All stages of licensing are still under evaluation and tariff adjustment.

Access to Transport

Agus adds that to reach the airport of Kertajati, access to transportation that serves Damri is as follows. The mode of bus transportation is back to perform services from Bandung to Kertajati and from Cirebon to Kertajati. The service has been adjusted to flight hours.

Meanwhile, PJ Governor Jabar M Iriawan said that he was continually trying to ensure that the BIJB could serve pilgrim flying first. "I will meet with the central government, the Ministry of Transport and other stakeholders, and I hope the Hajj flight from BIJB," he said recently.

tg / E-10

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