BKF: Excise tariff simplification policy continues


REPUBLIKA.CO.ID, JAKARTA – The Head of the Fiscal Policy Office (BKF) The Ministry of Finance, Suahasil Nazara, said the government is consistent in implementing the tariff simplification policy. Excise on cigarettes. This policy is supposed to encourage excise revenue for the state.

"I am therefore optimistic that this policy will continue," Suahasil told Jakarta on Thursday (5/7).

Suahasil explained that this policy fills the void for cigarette manufacturers. pay the excise tax rate lower, so there will be no leakage in the state finances. "This simplification is certainly able to increase revenue from excise duty it should be." The technical director and the Interim Duty Center (Plt) DJB Ministry of Finance Nugroho Wahyu added, in addition to reducing excise taxes cheating, The simplification of the tariff layer will also make the policy more effective . "The simplification of the excise system will streamline excise policy to control cigarette consumption and increase state revenues," said Nugroho

. Excise Tobacco Products (TCS). "The tax on cigarettes is very liquid," said Nugroho

. The simplification of the excise duty tariff on cigarettes is regulated by the Minister of Finance's Regulation No. 146 of 2017 on the Tobacco Excise Price. For this year, the rate of excise duty on cigarettes rises to 10. From 2019 to 2021, the excise cigarette tariff is simplified each year to 8, 6 and 5.

Member of the Amir Uskara Finance Commission taxes on cigarettes, many manufacturers cheat. "Sometimes the production of 3 billion per bar is reduced to 2.9 billion per bar to not hit, so we have always asked the Finance Ministry to reduce it to a minimum," said Amir.

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