
The headquarters of the Judicial Police (Bareskrim) ensures that the investigation is always open to all parties involved in the smuggling of 670 tons of mini-onions from India.
Polri also warrants, does not recommend to any of the parties, the revocation of import licenses of companies under investigation or having already been the object of. investigation.
Deputy Director of Special Economic Crimes Police Headquarters Bareskrim Police Commissioner Daniel Tahi Monang Silitonga
"The blacklist is administrative, criminal cases are criminal," Daniel said.
Joint Team and Public Service Investigator (PPNS) The Directorate of Circulated Goods Supervision and the Ministry of Commerce of Indonesia have previously revealed the smuggling of 670 tons of mini-onions from India. India to Hamparan Gudang Perak Medan North Sumatra.
Daniel describes, the Bareskrim Police Headquarters investigators handle many companies that have reported being involved in a fraudulent import license of the mini-onion.
Investigators have their own powers to investigate the alleged traffic in mini-onion imports, not to inform the results of other institutions
"Much of what we are investigating, but we never tell anyone.The Commissioner of the National Police Commission (Kompolnas) RI Pungky Indarti appreciated that the police could deal with the crime against the parties involved, including the alleged involvement of officials from the quarantine center and Other people.
"The government should protect the onion growers In addition, there are regulations such as the decree of the Minister of Agriculture and the regulation of the Minister of Commerce that prohibit the Importing mini-onions, "said Mr Pungky
. , Law of Animals and Plants, Consumer Protection Act, Criminal Law Act, Criminal Law on Money Laundering and Breach, which may trap the authors
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