BMW customers can still apply for the CBU model


JAKARTA, – BMW Indonesia continues to push its products marketed in the country, which can be badembled locally. At least, there are currently models of series 3, 5, 7 and SUV models X1, X3 and X5 already naturalized.

While models such as Series 1, Series 2, Series 4, Series 6, X4 and Performance M series still status completely restored (CBU) from abroad.

Despite this, BMW Indonesia continues to open the order to consumers who want to buy models that have been located, to be brought in CBU. Certainly, some consumers prefer imported products.

Read also: Third generation of BMW X3 officially mounted at Sunter

  Karen Lim, President of BMW Group Indonesia (right) with Vice Director of Corporate Communications Jodie OTania at the launch of the brand new BMW 520i in Jakarta, Thursday (18/1/2018). BMW Group Indonesia officially presents the latest car in the BMW 5 series, the all-new BMW 520i Luxury Line, which also became their first product in Indonesia this year. ANDREW LOTULUNG BMW Group Indonesia CEO Karen Lim (right) with Vice President of Corporate Communications Jodie OTania at the launch of the all-new BMW 520i in Jakarta , Thursday (18/1/2018). BMW Group Indonesia officially presents the latest car in the BMW 5 series, the all-new BMW 520i Luxury Line, which also became their first product in Indonesia this year

"If we talk about consumer characteristics , variety, varies.But also, it does not matter because we continue to offer CBU vehicles, "said Jodie O. Tania, vice president of communications for BMW Group Indonesia company, Wednesday, July 18, 2014.

"Even though we have made the local badembly, there are consumers or customers who want a vehicle with the status of 39, direct import, including BMW, can still be, "said Jodie.

However, Jodie said that he always looks at the availability of unity, when there are consumers. Another consideration is also the length of time waiting until the car arrives.

"We also see the stock of the unit and also how long the time.For BMW Indonesia itself, the customer is number one.So whatever willpower we try," said Jodie.

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