BMW Indonesia still immune to the rise of the US dollar


JAKARTA, – Discussion on the strengthening of the dollar against the rupiah currency, which currently penetrate the number of Rp 14,414 based on information Bloomberg to July 18, 2018, he did not disrupt the price of BMW models in Indonesia

Jodie O. Tania, vice president of corporate communications of BMW Group Indonesia, said that this is explained by the fact that they refer to the euro and that few transactions use the US dollar, including products badembled in the domestic market. , the price adjustment of the car (one of them is BMW X3) because of the phenomenon of increase in value in US dollars, not realized by BMW Indonesia [19659002] "Price adjustments are still there every year We are a German company," Jodie said Wednesday (18/7/2018).

Read also: Third generation of BMW X3 officially badembled at Sunter

 End of badembly of the all-new BMW X3 at the BMW factory Production Network 2, PT Gaya Motor, North Jakarta, Wednesday (18/07/2018). The all-new BMW X3 xDrive20i badembled nationwide is priced at Rp. 1,009,000,000 - off-road. ANDREW LOTULUNG Workers complete the badembly of the all-new BMW X3 at BMW Production Network 2, PT Gaya Motor, North Jakarta, Wednesday (18/07/2018). The all-new BMW X3 xDrive20i badembled on the domestic market is priced at Rp 1,009,000,000, – off-road.

"Associated with the fact that it may or may not have little effect on certain support lines," Jodie

As also mentioned by Jodie, the components of BMW Locally badembled are not entirely German, but also from the BMW factory in Spartanburg, USA Even though, it remains unchanged.

"Although from the United States, but using the German system, the price is always the same as our launch . So we can say that it has no effect because we founded on its euro, although its components come from the United States, "Jodie said.

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