BMW Promise continues to add a car assembled in Indonesia


JAKARTA, – The BMW models that were produced locally completely shot down (CKD) in Indonesia are quite numerous. Starting Series 3 Saloon, Series 5, Series 7, until Utility Vehicle Sport (SUV) X1, X3 and X5.

In addition to the above models, there are still many statutes whose import is intact. Completely Built (CBU) of Germany such as Series 1, Series 2, Series 4, Series 6, X4 and M. Performance Series

According to BMW Group Indonesia Vice President of Communications Company Jodie O 'tania is still Many other model possibilities can be badembled in the local Gaya Motor factory located in Sunter, North Jakarta.

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"We will continue to invest in Indonesia" some time ago in the region of Thamrin, Central Jakarta.

  Workers complete badembly of all-new BMW X3s at BMW Production Network 2 Plant, PT Gaya Motor, North Jakarta, Wednesday, July 18, 2018). The all-new BMW X3 xDrive20i badembled nationwide is priced at Rp. 1,009,000,000 - off-road. ANDREW LOTULUNG Workers complete the badembly of the all-new BMW X3 at BMW Production Network 2, PT Gaya Motor, North Jakarta, Wednesday (18/07/2018). The all-new BMW X3 xDrive20i badembled on the domestic market is priced at Rp 1,009,000,000, – off-the-road.

Currently, Jodie does not have any more models to bademble in Indonesia. However, it is possible but in the future, the automotive industry, especially in Indonesia, continues to grow rapidly.

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"In accordance with the company's commitment to establish other models in Indonesia, the Indonesian market continues to experience positive growth, "he said. ] BMW Indonesia itself has started local production since 1976. Even claimed already about 80 percent of the BMW cars sold in the country are bademblies in the country.

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