BNP2TKI ready to resign PMI / TKI to the area of ​​origin, victim of the sinking of Johor


BNP2TKI chief Nusron Wahid stated that he continued to coordinate with the Johor Consulate General and was constantly monitoring the development of the relevant vessel in the territorial waters of Tanjung Balau, Kota Tinggi, Johor, Monday 07/02/2018 at 04:00 local time

"BNP2TKI coordinated with the Consulate General of Johor Bahru and was fully prepared to be involved in handling and returning the victims to their native areas," said Nusron Wahid when contacted (3/7/2018). Until now, the victims, both the survivors and the dead, are attached to the identity and where it comes from. "The PWNI KJRI Task Force Johor Bahru and the relevant authorities are responsible for carrying out the processing and recording the victims of the ship," he said.

According to the data of the sinking victims at Tanjung Pangelih, 25 (twenty-five) Congratulations include: Kristin, Arsil, Milwan, Mohd Nasir, Supriadi, Hendra, Bartobo, Habibul, Abil, Panji, Tinus , Adi, Rismi, Jumilah, Hendri, Pian, Sukiman, Rumandi, Tainer, Anbar, Jefrianto, Isah, Masriadi, Tahri and Jainal

Information obtained on the basis of brafaks received by BNP2TKI (3/7/2018), the Monday 02 July 2018 at 13:45 Malaysia time, Johor Sea Rescue Subcenter (MRSC) Bomba Ship and Rescue (Fire Department) Position of Bandar Penawar, Kota Tinggi, Johor. The report was forwarded to the MTPPM of the attacker on 02 July 2018 at 9:30 am Malaysia time

The crash site was 6.5 NM east of Tanjung Balau ( water from Tanjung Balau, Kota Tinggi). Pbadengers are estimated at 44 people (38 men and 6 women), with details about the survivors up to 25 people (24 men and one woman), and the victim was found dead 1 woman, and the victim was found dead Was not found 18 people

The survivors of 25 people will be taken to the base of APMM Tanjung Sedili for a subsequent process. Of the 25 survivors, 8 were first taken to Sungai Rengit for examination for their health because there were minor, moderate and severe injuries. In addition, the Indonesian Consulate General's special team, Johor Bahru, visited the APMM post in Tanjung Pangelih to deepen the handling of the sinking and meet the victims. with the victims. The case will be reviewed by investigator APMM Tanjung Sedili, for a subsequent process. For victims who will be victims of an investigation by Marin Region Police Force 2, the operations of Tampoi and SAR remain indefinitely.

Servulus Bobo Riti, chief public relations officer of BNP2TKI, previously said that the head of BNP2TKI who are returning home and returning to the country of placement to use the right means and official channels, that they use ships, routes between countries and aircraft. BNP2TKI uses PMI to use official channels, not to take risks and not be tempted to come back by taking shortcuts like using illegal fishing lines or barges, because that's a security issue . very risky and dangerous, "he concluded. (*)

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