Body fluids can cause weight gain, that is the reason


Many people are worried about putting on weight. The causes of increased body weight due to unhealthy lifestyles such as unhealthy diet and lack of exercise.

Weight gain occurs gradually.

However, you can also gain weight during the night or a few days. What are the causes?

The weight gain is actually due to the increased weight of fluid in the body. Because the body has the retention of water or absorbs the liquid.

Read: 6 food substitutes for lost body fluids

There are many possibilities of body water retention. However, there are several ways to prevent weight gain due to the high absorption of liquids.

1. Excessive Sodium Intake

When you eat too much salt or eat foods that contain a lot of sodium (Na) on a regular basis, this sodium builds up or sinks up. ;accumulated.

Therefore, there is an increase of sodium in the blood. If there is an accumulation of natirum, it will weigh down the body fluid.

Read: Hypertensive Patients Consider Using Sodium Salt Minimizes Cardiovascular Disorders

2. Taking Certain Drugs

Taking certain medications may result in weight gain.

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