Britain allows foreigners to become their soldiers


The British armed forces were short of 8,200 people.

REPUBLIKA.CO.ID, LONDON – The UK Ministry of Defense will announce that foreign nationals are allowed to join the British Army. Previously, foreigners had to stay at least five years in the country to join the British armed forces.

However, only Commonwealth citizens are allowed. Citizens of five countries are allowed to join the British Army: Australia, India, Canada, Kenya and Fiji.

"Foreign forces and the Commonwealth have always been important and valuable recruits to the British forces and I welcome the increase in recruitment limits," said Defense Committee member Mark Francois, quoted by in the report The Guardian, Monday (5/11).

Under the new policy, foreigners were allowed to enter all forces, including the Royal Navy and the RAF. The inauguration will take place in early 2019. This policy should increase the recruitment of the British Armed Forces, which reach each year up to 1,350 people.

The army will begin the acceptance process from the beginning of next year, while the Navy and the RAF will start soon. Applications from citizens outside the Commonwealth will not be accepted.

The British armed forces lack 8,200 soldiers, sailors and combat pilots. The worst staff shortage since 2010.

The British government allows 200 Commonwealth citizens who have not lived in the United Kingdom for five years. Regulations requiring foreign nationals to stay in the United Kingdom for five years were introduced in 2016 and will soon be revoked. Previously, special regulations allowed the citizens of Ireland, Gujarat and Nepal to join the British army.

François said the policy was aimed at solving the problem of staff turbidity. He said that Capita, the company organizing the recruitment of soldiers, failed. François spent a year discussing this policy with the UK Department of Defense and military personnel.

"The army continues to disappear before our eyes and will continue to do so until Capita is fired," said Francois.

A spokesman for Capita said the move would result in qualified candidates and soldiers. In addition to the military personnel, the British National Audit Agency reported that in April, they lacked technicians, pilots and badysts. The Air Force has completed more missions for a quarter of this century.

In July 2017, François reported a lack of armed personnel due to recruitment problems. François described the recruitment crisis as a major storm on the high unemployment rate and the number of older people. According to him, these two things are the reasons why this lack of personnel can occur.

He also said that the growing number of obese citizens, the number of African immigrants, Asians and other minority groups. He added that the minority groups did not register with the army. Francis suggested that the British armed forces attempt to attract the attention of African, Asian and ethnic minorities.

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