British tourist killed while Swafoto in Australia


A British tourist was killed in Cape Solander, Sydney.

REPUBLIKA.CO.ID, SYDNEY – Swafoto is a natural thing that no matter who can do it anytime anywhere. However, you must be careful not to put yourself in danger. Before berswafoto, first try to look at the surrounding environment

Otherwise, what happened could be like the incident nahas this 18 year old British tourist. The tourist was killed at a swafoto in one of the fabulous tourist destinations of Australia, Cape Solander, Sydney

The young man was doing whale watching or pope observation with a group of 15 friends. The whale is often seen in the sea which is the view of the imposing cliffs of Cape Solander.

Not being cautious about being on saffron, the young man slipped from a 30-foot cliff or a nine-foot cliff. He lost balance and fell to the sea unaided even though his friend's group had tried.

According to local media reports, another group of young people came down and tried to reach the water to search his friend's body. They finally reported the emergency incident at 3:30 pm local time

The body of the deceased was eventually found and removed from the water by a police boat. However, the paramedics could not save the young man in time. "The victim's friends tried to descend the rocky cliff and headed for the waterfront where the victim fell in this accident," said Chief Inspector Chris Hill, quoted on page . .

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