BSSN: Online gambling therefore means a terrorist communication


Terrorist attacks in France are shown using the game Play Station 4

REPUBLIKA.CO.ID, JAKARTA – The Siber and Sandi Negara (BSSN) States Parties Online which are often used by children and young people can serve as a means of terrorist communication. According to the preliminary results, terrorist groups also used the game online to communicate their attacks.

"It is just detected, it is not disseminated," said BSSN Science (IIDS) 2018 spokesman at the University of Defense (Unhan), Jakarta, on Thursday (12 / 7).

According to him, he sees no potential terrorist attack in France using the game Play Station 4 . Now with the development of online games ( online ) will have even more potential.

"BSSN has not found a way to block the blockage (19459007) against the game application because of the game application online is used by all children around the world, "Anton said.

He admitted that his side could not block it because it would cause a lot of problems. However, he will try to work with online game researchers to do early detection.

"Not only the games online but also applications in human life that make communication possible". 19659004] Currently, BSSN continues to strengthen cooperation more specifically with countries engaged in the prevention of the terrorist terrorist act, including cooperation in the bilateral forums of Malaysian and Singaporean news agencies, Asia- Pacific, OIC and other world levels. ] In addition to the existing means of communication at Console PS-4 it is strongly suspected that there are still other online games that have direct means of communication used by terrorists , including Clash of the Titans The Clan Shock and the War of the World Trades . "BSSN gets information from them, it is still limited to close information and anticipation of BSSN, but if it is used, it will be very unusual." BSSN detects it very difficult, "says Anton.

a preventive action can be made.However, the impact will be enormous because the terrorists are in the public sphere and are not specific." is specific, it is easy to see, quarantine then act, but when it mingles with the public, it will be very difficult to detect by BSSN ", explains Anton.

began to think that the advancement of information technology must be considered by all levels of society, including decision-makers.

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