
Bisnis.com JAKARTA – Bank PT Tabungan Negara (Persero) Tbk. again won the title of Best Bank 2018. The predicate was reached for the record of success of the company's position over the last six years and managed to penetrate the fifth bank with the greatest control of the badets.
The director of finance and treasury of BTN bank Iman Nugroho Soeko said that the action of cleaning and processing has become the key to the success of the company.
"Various transformations will continue to be made to achieve the goal of making Bank BTN a global player by 2025," said Faith, as received the official statement from Bisnis.com on Sunday (1 March). / 7/2018). 2018 which was pinned to the company Friday night (29/06/208) in Jakarta which, according to him, would be a booster for management to continue to hold the transformation and make the BTN Bank a global player.
2018 in the category of commercial banking with a base capital of Rp5 trillion-Rp30 trillion. Of the 17 banks included in the category, Bank BTN managed to obtain the predicate of the best bank 2018.
The predicate is also based on 12 rating criteria based on the financial ratios of the selected banking companies, including the selection actives. , the bank formerly known as "Postspaarbank" is, in 2013, still ranked 11th. However, at the end of 2017, Bank BTN managed to jump five positions to rise to the 6th rank.
Then, in the first quarter of 2018, Bank BTN again surpbaded and occupied the fifth position as a bank with the most large badet (bank only) 19659003] According to Iman, since the beginning of the membership to menahkodai Bank BTN, he has applied several stages of transformation to boost the company's business performance.
In the first phase of the transformation called "Survival Period", held since 2013-2015, the management under his command continues to tackle the problem of non-performing loans (NPLs).
In the second phase of transformation of the "Digital Banking Period" which took place from mid-2015-2019, the company made a leap by performing a digital transformation on all lines and elements of its activity.
However, with these different transformations, Bank BTN has not only managed to make a positive performance. The company has also acquired an important role of government as a One Million House program officer.
"Throughout the survival period, we continue to clean up to become an agent of the One Million House Program, and we will continue to roll out the transformation to make it work better for Indonesians to be easier. to buy cheap and affordable homes, "said Iman
in the future, BTN Bank will achieve the final stage of the transformation of Global Playership .2025. During this period, Faith aimed to make the Bank BTN Product and International Banking Services
Meanwhile, BBTN-coded equity issuers continue to record badet growth well above the national average.
May 2018, the mortgage bank's special badets increased 20% year-on-year (year-over-year), from Rp 158.2 trillion in May 2017 to 189.68 billion rp. Rp.
Contrary area, data recorded by the Financial Services Authority (OJK) only increased by 9% in April 2018.
BBTN's badet growth is supported by growth in credit and financing 20.58% year-on-year. May 2018.
Bank Financial data of BTN recorded in May 2018, the company disbursed loans and financing evaluated at Rs 209.23 billion, against Rp 173.5 billion the same month of the previous year. On the other hand, OJK data refers to bank credits at the national level which increased only 9% year-on-year in April 2018.
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