Building cancer awareness of the cervix of the uterus


JAKARTA – Cervical cancer continues to be a life-threatening disease for women. Every day, a woman died at the time of cancer of the cervix

. This means that 9,000 women die from cervical cancer. In fact, cancer of the cervix of the uterus can be prevented from vaccination against HPV and periodic detection. Dr. Soehartati Dr. Gondhowiardjo SpRad (K) Onk, chairman of the National Cancer Control Committee (KPKN), said that one of the biggest problems in preventing cancer is the lack of knowledge and knowledge about the community. This is the number of information that is less distributed in the community.

The information sometimes tends to mislead the community into making it an alternative therapy and coming to the health care center was too late. "Another problem, most HPV infections do not cause symptoms or a special sign in the early stages because people are more infected by not knowing it and pbading it on to others. cervix is ​​one of the most common cancers prevented by routine health checks, detecting vaccination against HPV, "said Dr. Soehartati

.This year, KICKS is working as National Cancer Committee (KPKN) holds educational workshop and public advocacy for early detection and prevention of cancer as activists are incorporated into KICKS partisan organizational elements

This activity is open to activists from other community organizations such as the Indonesian Women's Congress (Kowani), the Inter-professional Women's Association (PPLiPI), Dharma Wanita Persatuan Pusat, Kalyanamitra & # 39; information and support about cancer, from Nasyiatul Aisyiyah.


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