Bulog Sulteng hopes to achieve the goal of rice supply


Palu (ANTARA News) – The Bulog Regional Division of Central Sulawesi continues to buy rice from farmers and hopes that the supply target set for the 2018 harvest season can be achieved .

Head of the Bulog Central Sulawesi Regional Division, Khozin in Palu Friday, the production of rice produced by farmers in the region is still low.

"We have absorbed only about 10,000 tons of rice farmers, far from Bulog's goal," he told Antara

. Bulog Sulteng has planned to buy 50,000 tons of rice from farmers, he added, going from 42,160 tons to 43,000 tons.

According to him, the goal of buying for this year is quite high.

See also: Bulog Central Sulawesi still struggling to buy peasant rice

Bulog now buys farm rice at a price of Rp8.030 / kg. In contrast, Bulog is quite difficult to compete with, as farmers will choose to sell to collectors rather than selling directly to Bulog or through partners (private parties).

Bulog Sulteng, said Khozin has several partners who have supported the supply of rice for the needs of national stocks (stoknas) in all the regencies and cities of the central province of Sulawesi.

"The participation of partners is very useful for Bulog Without them, Bulog would not be able to buy rice farmers as expected" It's impossible, "says Khozin.

In addition to the partners Bulog was also going to buy directly from each of the rice production centers in some of the districts in Central Sulawesi.

In Central Sulawesi Province, there are a number of districts with the largest acreage and production of rice. Rice as Bang Gay, Donggala, Parigi Moutong, Tolitoli, Poso, Morowali and Sigi.

These six regencies were the largest producers of rice in the central province of Sulawesi. purchase of rice is made by Bulog in the six production centers

Read also: Bulog Sulteng Mastery still rice four months

Although already in the second half and the supply of Central Sulawesi rice is still far from the target, but Khozin remains optimistic that Bulog farmers' rice uptake rate in MP 2018 could rise from before.

Monitor in a number of markets in the city of Palu, the price of rice is quite stable. Average rice is always lower than the highest retail price (HET) set by the government. Like high-end rice

The average rice sold by traders ranges from 9,000 to 9,500 rand / kg.

Traders guarantee that rice is sufficient on the market and that the supply is doing well. (19659007) Anas Masa
Publisher: Subagyo
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