Bulog will produce rice in Sachet sachet, its only Rp 2,000 per pack


TRIBUNJAMBI.COM – Good news for all of us, especially teenagers.

In addition to the mangosteen, there is now a packet of rice packaging.

After a long process, Perum Bulog announced on Thursday (28 / (19459004)

Perum Bulog's chairman, Budi Waseso (Buwas), said that if rice is ready to sell rice, the price is of 200 000 rupiahs, bag is a rice of superior quality

  Bulog President Director of Budi Waseso shows an example of rice bags to be circulated Tribunnews
President Director of Bulog Budi Waseso shows an example of rice bags to circulate .. Tribunnews ()

But Bulog will conduct sales trials of sachets for a month

It's about how the tedakat community needs this packet of rice

Director of Business Development and Bulog Industry Imam Subowo said "We are testing the market first, July we are going down the market as what we will release in July, so only one month is (market test)", at- he says.

After doing the test try for a new mo is Bulog will evaluate to determine the next rice production packaging bag

"Later, what kind of community needs 200 grams, 250 grams, 300 grams for example, we will skew like what", was -he says. : After Dani Pedrosa at Yamaha, Valentino Rossi asks for one more motor for this rider

The Imam also said that people would easily get this rice in bag

"Later retail. It's so easy for people to buy easy rice at the Indo *** for example, "he said

" We talked to the badociation so that it be sold later at retail.In fact, they are asking to be accelerated sales, "he added.

Many parts of Indonesia are ready to sell this packet of rice from the island of Java

"West Java, Central Java, South Sulawesi, East Java. Starting in July is already in the divre, already on the move, "said Imam. (Grid.Id)

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