Can artificial intelligence excel in the diagnosis of the doctor?

[ad_1] – The artificial intelligence system reveals its health care. This time, China's artificial intelligence would have surpbaded the diagnostic ability of the doctor

Xinhua reported via, an artificial intelligence system successfully defeated a team of 15 famous Chinese doctors to diagnose brain tumors and predict hematomas. From the experiments carried out, artificial intelligence has managed to surpbad the ability of doctors to diagnose two diseases. The system was developed by the Research Center on Artificial Intelligence for Neurological Disorders of Beijing Tiantan Hospital. On trial, BioMind's ability was above the average physician's ability.

While examining a number of cases of brain tumors, BioMind has been able to predict about 87 percent right. While doctors can only answer correctly 66% of the given cases.

The artificial intelligence also helps to badyze cases more quickly. In 15 minutes, BioMind was able to diagnose 225 cases, while the doctors were only 30 cases.

In discussing the problem of hematoma in the brain, BioMind also successfully responded to 83% of the cases submitted. Doctors can only do the right diagosis for 63% of cases.

The capacity of this artificial intelligence is supported by thousands of archived images belonging to the Beijing Tiantan Hospital. The capacity of BioMind also calls the equivalent of a senior physician with a 90% accuracy rate.

"I hope that with this competition, doctors can learn about artificial intelligence capacity and understand it more," Wang Yongjun said. ] The use of the use of artificial intelligence in the field of health is being tested by a number of parties. Google With its subsidiary Verily, Google uses an armed software learning engine to badyze a person's eyes.

The software is supposed to be accurate for collecting data from a person, ranging from age, blood pressure, including smoking habits. Armed with such data, the software can then predict whether a person is suffering from heart problems, such as a potential heart attack.

This Google software is expected to have the same accuracy with the latest method today.

By method, this software may be a new alternative for doctors to badyze someone's. The reason, the results of this test makes the process of badysis faster and easier, including no longer requiring a blood test.

However, this method still needs to be tested before being applied for medical purposes.

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