Uzone.id – Many people like coffee. Drink this one is always able to be a friend for any activities, such as work or just chatting with friends. In addition, a cup of coffee can also feed you.
Yes. According to WebMD a study published online in JAMA JAMA Internal Medicine in July 2018, reveals that sipping a cup of coffee in the morning can prolong life.
However, Erikka Loftfield, the head of the study, confirmed that it is a search with methods of observation, and that she can not prove that coffee makes people live longer.
that people who drank at least eight cups of coffee a day were 14% less likely to die during the 10-year study period than people who did not consume coffee.
Erikka, epidemiologist at the National Cancer Institute USA, states that people who drink 6-7 cups of coffee a day have a risk of ah to die during the same period
Researchers suspect that there is a non-caffeine component that could be responsible for the relationship between coffee and the age of a person
that coffee contains more than a thousand biological compounds, including potbadium and folic acid, which have an effect on the body.
However, this benefit does not necessarily serve as an excuse to drink coffee to people who do not like it. they can continue to benefit from these results. But if they do not drink coffee, these results do not tell them to start drinking it, "said Erikka, Uzone.id Quotations of WebMD .
] For this study, researchers collected data from about 500,000 people participating in a large, long-standing study in the UK
The study period lasted for about 10 years and over 14 000 people died, but the study found that (19459002) NYU Langone Medical Center New York, USA, says the coffee is the same as Samantha says, "The coffee beans are rich in polyphenols that, according to studies, provide health benefits, such as antioxidants, anti-inflammatory, anti-cancer, anti-diabetic and anti-hypertensive. "9659002] According to Samantha, plant foods like vegetables, fruits , nuts and seeds contain many healthy compounds that have an effe t
However, Samantha recalls that caffeine in coffee can have detrimental consequences
Unhealthy lifestyles, such as smoking – often done while drinking coffee – can also make health worse. body.
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