Can not lose weight? Maybe you are doing a bad diet – VIVA


VIVA – You can make one of these seven mistakes in your diet, according to Dr. Meg Arroll and Louise Atkinson, author of the new book "19459006" The Shrinkology Solution & # 39; ;. Irregular dieting, choosing inappropriate methods, not doing enough exercise and setting unrealistic goals are some of the factors that make your plan always fail.

Dr. Arroll and Mrs. Atkinson say that finding the right diet without should be self-imposed every day is the right way to lose weight. The book that they created is designed to help people change the state of mind of each and every one of us.

In an effort to lose weight, many people are choosing the latest diet models that are trendy. In fact, a food model may not be suitable for everyone. And if the diet you choose does not lead to change, it may be a bad plan for you.

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