Can powder cause cancer?


  Baby Powder

Baby Powder Dr. Thinkstock )

Recently a US court requires Johnson & Johnson (J & 6 to 22 women who claimed that the J & J powders manufactured by J & J contained asbestos which later caused them ovarian cancer .In fact, six of the 22 women died of cancer .

The defeat of J & J J in the trial is fearing the use of talcum powder around the world.Is it true that talcum powder can cause cancer?

To answer this question, one must d & # 39; first know the origin of the talcum powder.The talcum powder comes from soft minerals also called talk

City IFL Science the mine is often close to asbestos, it does not It is therefore not uncommon to talk about asbestos According to the American Cancer Society, asbestos can actually cause cancer, especially when it is inhaled or swallowed.

Studies conducted on asbestos miners show that inhalation of asbestos fibers can increase the risk of lung cancer. In addition to lung cancer, people exposed to asbestos may also be afflicted with mesothelioma, a cancer that attacks the mesothelium, a layer that envelops the body's organs such as the lungs, stomach, and the testicles.

causes a lung disease called asbestosis, a disease that causes wounds in the lungs, so that patients have difficulty breathing.

  Powders Johnson and Johnson

Powder Johnson and Johnson 19659023] Lucas Jackson / Reuters )

So, are all the discussions exposed by asbestos?

Keep in mind that not all discussions are exposed to asbestos. Conversations that can be used for cosmetics are only effective when they are used as cosmetics or other products for the body.

Talk is used in cosmetics because of its ability to absorb sweat and reduce friction on the skin. blisters. Therefore, the use of talking is not only limited to baby powder, but also to other cosmetics such as blush and mascara.

In September 2009 through 2010, the US Food and Drug Administration studied several cosmetic and body care products, including some of the leading brands sold in Indonesia such as Johnson, Urban Decay, Clinic, Maybelline and Revlon. As a result, none of the products of these brands contain asbestos.

In addition, according to American Cancer Society studies conducted on the effects of the discussion on ovarian cancer tend to be rare.

<img src = ",g_face,e_jpg,q_auto,fl_progressive,fl_lossy,w_800/djoisjamf6hbcftdkpqf.jpg" width = "100%" alt = "Johnson and Johnson Powder Shannon Stapleton / Reuters )

In Britain, Cancer Research UK doubts the existence of a relationship between the powder of Talc and cancer.In its website, the institute said that despite a study that the risk of ovarian cancer could increase by 33%, the study presented a disadvantage because most participants could not remember correctly or often their bads.

The institute insists that the use of talcum powder, whether using directly organs bads or sprinkled on contraceptives such as the diaphragm or condom, will not increase the likelihood of ovarian cancer. [19659034] [ad_2]
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