Canada encourages ASEAN to complete the South China Sea CoC


Jakarta, CNN Indonesia – The Canadian Ambbadador to ASEAN, Marie-Louise Hannan, said that Ottawa was encouraging the country of Southeast Asia and that the China had completed the Code of Ethics Code of Conduct . According to Hannan, accelerated resolution of the CoC is useful to avoid the region of potential conflicts due to misconceptions of countries that deal with the region.

"The fact that countries are negotiating the CoC is a very good thing because they have begun to reduce" We are therefore in favor of the completion of the CoC and it is important that all parties respect the principle of freedom of navigation in these waters, "said Hannan at the ceremony marking the 151st anniversary of Canada's National Day on Tuesday (3/6)."

The South China Sea is one of the most conflict-prone regions, after China claimed nearly 90 percent of the resource-rich waters. Because the Chinese claim contradicts the land claims of a number of Southeast Asian countries like Vietnam, the Philippines, Brunei and Malaysia.

CoC was conceived as a guideline and the boundaries of the behavior of the countries concerned. Although Canada is not a country with land claims in the waters, Hannan said that his country continued to encourage the region to stay in international waters.

Because the South China Sea is one of the world's main trade routes. "

" It is important for all of us to maintain freedom of navigation in the South China Sea because the great value of the trade that crosses the region greatly affects the quality of the social welfare of many societies, "said Hannan

41 years ago Hannan says Canada is committed to strengthening its partnership with Indonesia in the bilateral and ASEAN framework to address global challenges [41] 41-year partnership is the best example growing partnership in various types of coverage to global challenges.

"ASEAN and Canada will continue to work together to address global threats such as terrorism, violent extremism, organized crime , the proliferation of weapons and cybercrime to create a more peaceful and secure world. "

The Great Canada for Indonesia Peter MacArthur congratulated Indonesia, which had just come out # 3 9 to be elected non-permanent member of the United Nations Security Council (2019-2020).

Mr. MacArthur hopes that this will strengthen Canadian and Indonesian cooperation keeps the peace of the world.

He said (19659011) Canada's Ambbadador to Indonesia Peter MacArthur, Minister of Women's Empowerment Yohana Yembise, Ambbadador of Canada to ASEAN Marie-Louise Hannan, Minister of the United States Interior Tjahjo Kumolo on the occasion of the celebration of the National Day of Canada of 151 years, Tuesday (3/6). [1945927] Canadian Ambbadador to Indonesia Peter MacArthur, Minister of Women's Empowerment Yohana Yembise, Canadian Ambbadador to ASEAN Marie -Louise Hannan, Minister of Interior Tjahjo Kumolo at the # 39, occasion of the celebration of the National Day of Canada of 151 years, Tuesday (3/6). "

" The international order of today is constantly under threat and pressure. Democracies like Canada and Indonesia are facing new challenges, including "false news", the rise of populist nationalist movements, protectionist policies and the inequality of economic growth, "said M MacArthur

. As host of the 44th G7 summit this year, MacArthur said Canada has also focused on strengthening support for women's rights, particularly with respect to women's rights. access to education. At the G7 summit on June 8 and 9, MacArthur said Canada had managed to raise $ 3.8 million for gender equality in the world

"It's the most great investment of his history [terkait pemberdayaan perempuan]. "

In addition to a number of Canadian diasporas, senior officials and guests, there was also the Minister of Gifts Yohana Yembise and the Minister of the Interior Tjahjo Kumolo in the celebration

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