Cancel the trade war, Donald Trump and EU President Cuddle


million. Juncker has expressed his determination to cooperate with the United States on trade. He said the process would be consistent in the race, while reforming the World Trade Organization (WTO).

"This is certainly in our understanding as long as we are negotiating, unless some of the negotiations stop, we will continue to retain the tariff, and we will review the existing tariffs on iron and aluminum" , says Juncker

Trump also said similarly, that they would not fight the spirit of the agreement unless one of the parties wanted to stop it. Do not forget, Juncker. thanked President Trump for their constructive meeting.

"It was a good and constructive meeting Thank you, Donald," he concluded.

The results of the Trump-Juncker meeting correspond to the promise that Trump made on Twitter. intends to eliminate tariffs in Europe in order to achieve free trade. Although, at first, he had time to doubt, the EU would accept the suggestion.

The European Union travels to Washington tomorrow to negotiate an agreement on trade. I have an idea for them. Both US and the US remove all tariffs, barriers and subsidies! This would be called Free Trade and Fair Trade! Hopefully they will be ready – but they will not be

– Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) July 25, 2018

"The EU will travel to Washington tomorrow to negotiate The United States and the EU have all these tariffs, barriers and subsidies can be called the big markets and fair trade, hopefully they do, we are ready, but they are not ! "

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