a Juniarti cancer patient. Juniarti's lawyer, Hemasari Dharmabumi, said the trial would be tried next week.
"Next week we will submit to the Central District Court of Jakarta," said Hemasari CNNIndonesia.com Tuesday (17/7)
Hema said that only BPJS Health and the President Joko Widodo are currently on the list of accused
"Although this is not possible, it may increase, perhaps the Minister of Health should take responsibility." Heteropositive cancer is a cancer with a rate of 60% to 70% cancer, the cancer is the smartest, the drug costs 25 million rupees and my client needs 16 drugs, "said Hema.
Meanwhile, BPJS Health Public Relations Director Nopi Hidayat said that the drug Transtuzumab unsecured complies with the decision of the Clinical Advisory Board stating that Trastuzumab drugs have no medical indication for patients with from a metastatic bad cancer
April 1, 2018, but for the National Health Insurance (JKN) – Kartu Indonesia Sehat (KIS), "he said CNNIndonesia.com .
However, Nopi said that patients who are still following Trastuzumab therapy with the prescription drug treatment regimen prior to April 1, 2018 will remain guaranteed by BPJS Health until its treatment cycle complies with the National Formulary's Maximum Prescription.
Nopi says that trastuzumab exclusion from the JKN-KIS benefit program will not hinder access to bad cancer treatment. JKN-KIS ants because there are still many other choices of drugs that are listed in the National Formulary.
"The physician responsible for the patient will choose a drug for the treatment of the patient's bad cancer according to the clinical judgment of the patient," he said.
To CNNIndonesia.com Edy Haryadi says his wife Juniarti (46) is now working as a lawyer, and will become a lawyer in the lawsuit.
Edy recounts in December 2017 that his wife was suffering from swelling in the neck or in the lymph nodes.
According to Edy, the office where she works gave the BPJS health insurance card
. In January 2018, Edy checked Juniarti with Puskemas Duren Sawit, East Jakarta, the nearest public health center domiciled under the BPJS procedure.
"My wife was referred to the specialized part of the disease at the Regional General Hospital (RSUD) Budhi Asih, East Jakarta," he said
Social Security Administrator (BPJS)) Health Served Participants at BPJS Office ( BETWEEN PHOTO / Abriawan Abhe)
After undergoing an examination, hospital doctor Budhi Asih suspected that the tumor was a cancer. Since there is no specialized cancer or oncology, since the beginning of February 2018, my wife has been referred to the Hospital of Friendship, Rawamangun, East Jakarta.
By the doctor, then performed a biopsy, or a tissue picking on the right neck.
"Apparently, the results are positive for cancer, but according to the laboratory examination Pathology Anatomy (PA) Friendship Hospital is not the main cancer but metastatic cancer (spread)", at- he says. Conclusion PA Neck Biopsy: Adenocarcinoma Metastases That Can Come From the Chest
Of course, doctors also send PA results to the Friendship Hospital PA PA lab for further review by Imuno Histo Chemistry or Review ICC.
"IPC results performed Kalgem laboratory: ER +, PR +, Her2 + with overexpressed, category 3 + score, Ki67: expressed, moderate intensity to high 60 percent to 70 percent (highly proliferative) ," he said. Edy, his wife has been declared a patient with HER2-positive bad cancer that has undergone metastasis or dissemination. "The results of the IPC were released on May 10, 2018," he said.
After the surgery, Edy said his wife needed chemotherapy. On June 24, 2018, doctors prescribe three chemotherapeutic drugs and one drug clbadified as a target therapy for the treatment of HER2-positive bad cancer, herceptin or another name Trastuzumab.
Trastuzumab is a safe, high quality and effective medicine whose accessibility must be guaranteed. National Health Assurance under the Decree of the Minister of Health of the Republic of Indonesia on the 2018 National Form of 28 December 2017.
On page 66 of point 43, the decision explicitly states that trastuzumab is administered to patients with metastatic bad cancer with HER 2 positive. BPJS Health must guarantee the availability of medicines.
Edy says the problem occurred when the pharmacist Friendship Hospital refused a recipe for herceptin or trastuzumab.
"The reason is that since April 1, 2018, the trastuzumab drug was suspended by BPJS Health, and we found that BPJS had stopped the guarantee on the basis of consideration of the BPJS Clinical Consideration Board which considers that the drug is not medically beneficial ". stop the Trastuzumab guarantee because the drug is too expensive. The drug is expensive. The price on the market is Rp 25 million. While a HER2 positive cancer patient must have at least 8 sessions of 16 treatment sessions with Trastuzumab.
"But is it due to the high price of the drug that HER2 positive bad cancer is discriminated against for the best treatment?", Edy asked:
Edy said that as a husband, he would attack the BPJS board of directors and President Jokowi (19659002) "Because BPJS seems to be in the realm of life, which is very important for prolonging the lives of cancer patients. HER2-positive bad, "he said. National 2018 for HER2 cancer patients newly signed December 28, 2017 by the Minister of Health Nila Djuwita F Moeloek and valid for 2018.
"In addition, positive HER2 people are very few, only 20% of all bad cancer patients herceptin, trademark of the drug trastuzumab, will end in 2019, "he declared
. asked why President Jokowi was also prosecuted, Edy said according to the Law No. 24 of 2011 on the Social Security Administration, Board of Directors BPJS Health directly responsible to the President of the Republic of Indonesia.
"Only the president can dismiss the BPJS board of directors, the president is prosecuted because he is responsible for the illegality of the unilateral action of the director of BPJS Health who abolished the drug trastuzumab whose HER2 + bad cancer is highly needed. " b, e, v, n, t, s) {if (f.fbq) returns; n = f.fbq = function () {n.callMethod?
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