Capital and land are shrinking and constraints Indonesian farmers


The Association of Indonesian Peasant Harmony (HKTI) organized the Asian Forum of Agriculture and Food (ASAFF) at the Jakarta Convention Center (JCC), from June 28 to the 1st July 2018.

ASAFF 2018's theme is "Turning Challenges into Opportunities: Agricultural Innovation and Food Security". Several program activities will be organized, namely the Asian Conference on Food, the Asian Agricultural Exhibition, the Business Forum and the Food Festival.

President HKTI, Moeldoko said that the agriculture of Indonesia has huge potential. The potential must be continually developed and introduced continuously to improve the well-being of Indonesian farmers.

"Through this event, we will discuss agriculture, innovation and industrial issues related to food security," he said. at the opening of ASAFF 2018.

He also hopes, through ASAFF 2018, that various parties involved in the agricultural sector can discuss and hope to share advice based on experience in agricultural development in their respective regions.

"This event is being followed by several neighboring countries, such as Singapore, Malaysia, India, Iran, Timor Leste, etc. This can be a window for unique products and a flagship archipelago", he said.

"We also invite other countries to take an interest in the issue of food security, water security and worry about the resources we have," Moeldoko said.

The ASAFF 2018 brought together 300 participants from diverse backgrounds, such as HKTI management, academics, as well as its representatives from underdeveloped countries. The targeted number of visitors reaches 5000 in three days of implementation.

Watch the selection videos below:

Farmers in Simalakama on the slopes of Merapi

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