Cengiz disappointed by Trump because of the importance of trade with Saudi Arabia


Cengiz has asked the Saudi authorities to be responsible.

REPUBLIKA.CO.ID, LONDON – Hattie Cengiz, Jamal Khashoggi's fiance, on Monday (September 29th) criticized the reaction of US President Donald Trump to the Khashoggi murder case. He urged Trump to put aside American business interests in order to discover the truth.

Cengiz made this statement during a visit to London. "I am disappointed with the actions of leaders in many countries, especially the US, our value," he said.

Read also, When the Saudis and Turks fight for the killer of Jamal Khashoggi.

Trump limits his criticism to Saudi leaders about the Khashoggi affair. Trump does not want his attitude to compromise the $ 110 billion arms trade deal. According to Trump, the contract will support 500,000 US jobs. But experts doubt the validity of the data.

According to Cengiz, the killing of Khashoggi allegedly took place in a Saudi diplomatic mission. In such circumstances, the Saudi authorities must take responsibility.

Trump said that Prince Muhammad bin Salman, who had consolidated control of Saudi security and intelligence agencies over the past three years, was responsible for the operation that led to the killing of Khashoggi.

According to Cengiz, the West is considered a bastion of human rights and democracy. He must therefore defend his opinion on the murder of his future husband.

"This incident, this murder, took place at the Saudi consulate, so the Saudi authorities could know how such killings are happening, they have to explain what happened." truth and shows sadness, "Cengiz said.

Turkish President Tayyip Erdogan, who congratulated Cengiz, urged Riyadh to reveal the identity of the author of the badbadination. Prosecutors also prepared extradition requests for 18 suspects from Saudi Arabia.

"The explanation given so far by Saudi Arabia is not enough. I want to know the details of the responsibility," added Cengiz.

He said he wanted all leaders, including commanders, to be brought to justice and convicted under international law.

Cengiz said that he had not been contacted by Prince Muhammad or the Saudi royal family. The Saudis have not expressed their condolences either.

Cengiz met Khashoggi in May at a conference in Istanbul. Their relationship developed after the meeting. They finally decided to get married in Istanbul.

Turkish law requires that Khashoggi provide proof that he has no wife. This is what makes Khashoggi go to the consulate. Cengiz said that he had never witnessed a recording of Khashoghi's murder. He claimed to know information about the Khashoggi case in the media.

"Like everyone, I'm still waiting for an answer, the world needs to know who is the instigator, who has committed and committed this crime," he said.

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