Centipedes have more deadly things


RAKYATKU.COM – Millipedes can kill animals 15 times their size. Even eat whole snakes if they want it.

But the real horror of the centipede might be something else, hidden invisible in their multi-legged form: a dangerous parasite, which according to scientists has never been observed in this segmented creature .

The undercover traveler in question is Angiostrongylus cantonensis, a parasitic worm parasite – nicknamed "lungworm rat" – foodborne parasites are usually found in snails and other molluscs, which are also detected for the first time in centipedes

. A 78-year-old woman hospitalized at Zhujiang Hospital in Guangzhou, China, reported having headaches, drowsiness and cognitive impairment for weeks, although she did not not presented with other symptoms such as fever or vomiting

. showing the symptoms of meningitis, but not the cause of the virus or bacteria for the disease. However, cerebrospinal fluid shows traces of antibodies against rat worms, which indicate the diagnosis of A. colons meningitis

What is unusual, that is how he can contract it: by eating raw lipids

dry or ground lipids have been used in traditional Chinese medicine for centuries (usually in the form of powder) and in live wild specimens sold in some Chinese agricultural markets

In this case, the girl presented a variety of fresh products. to his elderly mother – and not cooked.

If this sounds unreasonable, do not be too hard on him: he appeared in the hospital only a few weeks later, showing the same symptoms after eating together.

"We generally do not hear people eating raw centipedes, but it seems that both patients believe that crude will be good"

"Fortunately, it made them sick." [19659003] Fortunately for the mother and the child, both patients were finally successfully treated with anti-parasitic drugs that get rid of them from A. cantonensis infection

But they are lucky. The case of angiostrongylosis, an infection caused by roundworms, can cause permanent damage to the central nervous system and sometimes fatal.

As to why couples consume their centipedes, Lu tells his son that eating raw arthropods can prevent colds.

It is not immediately clear if the Chinese market sells poisonous animals for raw consumption, or they are only offered fresh, so that consumers can boil them, stir them up or cook.

In any case, says Lu "

" In my opinion, it is rude to tell the customer, "Do not eat them raw," Lu told the New York Times

. "That would mean that the customer is stupid."

To confirm their crude centipede hypothesis, Lu and his fellow researchers followed the same market Subsequent tests revealed that seven of 20 eyelids purchased were tested positive for lung mice.

So, if you're thinking of presenting a raw millipede for dinner – whether it's to boost immunity or exotic cooking – science Knowledge is clear

"Millipedes can act as carriers of A. cantonensis, "Lu said to Infectious Disease News

" We should not eat raw millipedes, like any other raw animal. "We must realize that cooking techniques are important to protect us from foodborne illness. "

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