Changing the keto diet to lose weight


  Illustration of the Cyclitic Regime

Illustration of the Cyclitic Regime |

SewCream / Shutterstock

You live a healthy lifestyle and hobby by trying the latest diet program to lose weight, you can try a new diet called cyclitarian. The diet combines Ketogenic or otherwise known as keto and intermittent fast.

Vincent M. Pedre, a specialist in intestinal health, says that he has tried this diet method with his patients and is seeing good results. However, he adds that this diet may not work for everyone.

To Follow the Cyclitic Diet You must eat high-fat foods and perform intermittent fasting.

The advantages of following cyclitarian are the optimization of intestinal health, hormonal balance, increased insulin sensitivity and control of blood sugar, increased energy, stamina and fat loss.

By following this diet, the body will become a machine to burn fat. You will use your own body fat as fuel during fasting. Then use the fat you eat as fuel when you are keto. During fasting, you will experience benefits such as weight loss and abdominal fat, reduced risk of type 2 diabetes, improved heart health, cancer prevention, brain health and even longevity, life expectancy.

The combination of ketone and intermittent fasts in cyclitarian is an ideal way to improve intestinal health, optimize circadian rhythms, support the immune system and help to lose weight.

For food choices, you can eat fiber-rich vegetable foods such as lentils, pistachio, oranges, bananas, avocados, carrots, almonds, broccoli, pears, pomegranates, honey squash, ripe, raspberries and chia seeds.

In addition to high fiber foods, you can also eat good foods rich in prebiotics for your intestinal health. Some examples of foods rich in prebiotics include garlic, onion, leek, asparagus, apples, bananas, seaweed and fermented foods like pickles, kimchi, sauerkraut and coconut kefir.

Essentially, the cyclic diet focuses on healthy foods for the intestines, enhancing immunity, as well as anti-inflammatory foods such as wild salmon, flaxseed and chia seeds [19659014]. ] You are also still able to consume healthier carbohydrates such as sweet potatoes, radishes and carrots. You must also eat fatty foods of about 70% or more and this can be obtained from avocados and nuts.

As for fasting, it can start from shorter intervals, for example in a day there are 12 hours of eating and 12 hours of fasting. Then increase up to 10 hours to eat 14 hours of fasting, then 8 hours to eat 16 hours of fasting.

In addition to cyclitarian, there are also other ketonic changes called keto cycling, that require running five to six days to reduce carbohydrates, but There is a day planned to eat high carbohdirat.

This type of diet is suitable for those of you who struggle to run keto every day because they feel a carbohydrate deficiency. So, one day a week, you can still enjoy low fat and high carbohydrate foods.

When trying keto cycling, you can sample typical ketone foods like 70 to 80% fat and 20 to 30 carbs grams of green vegetables and berries.

However, not just the carbohydrates you can consume. Instead of taking a look at rice or fries, it's better to choose complex carbohydrates such as sweet potatoes, quinoa, pumpkin honey, whole wheat bread and black beans.

It is also discouraged to consume chips, cookies, pastries and snacks because they serve little or no food and often contain added sugar. [Si (f.fbq) renvoie; n = f.fbq = fonction () {n.callMethod?) (F, b, e, v, n, t, s)
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