Characteristics of chest pain due to heart disease


Jakarta (ANTARA News) – Chest pain can be a sign of heart problems. However, there is a distinctive feature of pain that distinguishes it from chest pain rather than coronary pain.

"70% of people with coronary heart disease have typical symptoms of chest pain, behind the sternum or more slightly radiate to the left arm towards the back of the neck," said the heart specialist and Blood vessels of RSPI Puri Indah, Dr. Johan Winata, Sp.JP (K), FIHA in Jakarta, Tuesday (10/7)

The sensation varies between each patient, there is as stabbed, knead, burn.

30 percent of the rest of the chest pain that seems nonspecific, namely nausea, pain in the jaw and teeth, ring and pain in the right chest.

In individuals suffering from coronary artery disease, narrowing and heart attack

"If the narrowing, the narrower the blood flow decreases, it usually arises when we enter it. The flow of blood flows. When the rest, the pain has long since disappeared. The light heart works again, "said Johan.

During a heart attack, patients usually experience more severe chest pain with cold sweat, nausea and vomiting

" In case of heart attack, the pain at rest does not disappear. isa arises when istjrahat. Many thoughts of blood pressure increase, blood clots appear, "said Johan.

" For example two months ago a little pain but a few days the pain is more common. The loss becomes longer. It's already a heart attack, "he adds

unlike the case where a person feels that chest pain is not caused by heart disease.There are certain positions or sitting postures that make him suddenly feel the pain

baseball on, can chest pain. The old handling position of the bike handlebars can also cause pain, "said Johan.

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Pewarta: Lia Wanadriani Santosa
Publisher: Monalisa

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