Chevron leader in the application of technology and social investment

[ad_1] – Nearly a century ago, Chevron operates in Indonesia. For 94 years, Chevron, an integrated energy company of the United States, is a key partner in meeting Indonesia's energy needs, spurring economic growth and supporting community development in the region's operations in the United States. the country. In addition, up to now, with the innovation and commitment of its employees who have expertise and dedication, Chevron remains the largest oil producer in the country.

From the Riau, Sumatra and East Kalimantan offshore oil fields, Chevron produces more than 13 billion barrels of oil to meet Indonesia's energy needs and economic growth. By operating the oil and gas blocks, Chevron and its co-venturers work under the supervision and control of SKK Migas under a Production Sharing Contract (PSC).

Chevron Yanto Sianipar Senior Vice President, Public and Government Affairs (PGPA), said that Chevron, as one of the largest integrated energy companies in the world, is committed to developing the the latest technologies in oil and gas development. In addition, Chevron is a pioneer in the application of advanced technology Enhanced Oil Recovery (EOR), the largest surfactant in the world in the area of ​​Minas and Duri in Riau. EOR surfactants are made by injecting surfactants into oil wells.

"This technology is used to increase oil production in the field because oil reserves in old oil and gas fields continue to decline," he said Sunday in Jakarta (1/7 ).

Not only that, according to Yanto, Chevron developed the technology by removing the gas from an unconventional tank with very low permeability. This process involves breaking the tank and injecting other liquids to increase oil and gas recovery. The advantage of the application of EOR technology is the increase in the amount of oil and gas coming from the tank when it is used correctly and wisely. However, the implementation of this technology requires a very mature and complete badessment of the costs and technical and economic failures due to the complex process.

"Chevron is always ensuring that the implementation plan for EOR technology is fully executed given the scale of the field," Yanto said.

Chevron Indonesia Company Ltd, a subsidiary of Chevron IndoAsia Bussiness Unit, is also at the forefront of technology in the development of the Chevron Deepwater Development (IDD) project in Indonesia. Chuck Taylor, general manager of Chevron IndoAsia Business Unit, said the Bangka Field project in East Kalimantan is a representation of the application of the latest Chevron technology in the first phase of the IDD project to support the government in the achievement of the national target. Bangka Field began producing its first natural gas end of August 2016.

"This project demonstrates Chevron's commitment to bringing global capabilities and advanced technologies to Indonesia and applying the best practices and expertise of our deepwater development projects around the world. "Chuck added.

In this project, Chevron holds a 62% interest in the Bangka project with another partner, Eni 20% and Tip Top at 18%.

Deputy Minister of Energy and Mineral Resources, Arcandra Tahar, said that the use of new technologies to increase oil and gas production is necessary because the characteristics of oil fields and gas companies in Indonesia have changed. The era of oil and gas fields that have large reserves has disappeared. The results are also nothing good. If you continue to rely on old technology, production has decreased, will decrease further.

The application of technology to the oil and gas industry is now facing the challenge of increasing production, cost inefficiency and the demand for environmental pollution . In addition, the development of oil and gas exploration and exploitation, particularly in the offshore and offshore areas, has been very rapid.

In addition to focusing on oil and gas exploration and exploitation activities in the country, Chevron does not neglect community development activities as one of the elements of the Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR). The business can only survive if it meets social needs and, if not, it can meet social needs when it is economically independent. This is the Chevron philosophy in managing the community empowerment program through the concept of investment investment or social investment.

Chevron's social investment activities are spreading in a number of areas of the country, particularly in Riau and Kalimantan. West Java communities have also benefited from the benefits of Chevron's social investment program when the company owns and still operates geothermal badets through Drajat and Gunung Salak geothermal energy projects.

Yanto said, Chevron involves many parties to determine what are the needs of society, what is the basis of the investment of social activity.

"We see how to make what is given a lasting benefit – a good deal, what we can give, make a lasting impact," said Yanto.

Chevron's partnership with the company lasted more than nine decades. Because of its long presence well before the proclamation of Indonesia's independence, Chevron has brought economic and social benefits, not only to the communities around the site of the operation, but also to the # 39; Indonesia.

Evidence of this great contribution, demonstrated by the results of research conducted by the Institute for Economic and Community Research (LPEM) University of Indonesia with IHS, research institutes badociated with the role of business in the # 39, Economics and Business in Colorado, United States.

The results of an economic impact badysis conducted by LPEM and IHS show that Chevron retains a significant role for the Indonesian economy. In 2013 alone, Chevron and its partners contribute 125 billion rupees to Indonesia's gross domestic product (GDP) and contribute 101 billion rupees to government revenue through government revenue from oil and gas or subsidies and taxes. government.

In the same year, Chevron directly employed 6,219 workers and helped to create 259,247 other jobs in its activities through its partners, main or direct suppliers and the chain of additional and indirect suppliers in the support industries. .

Danya Dewanti, Chevron's Director of Communications in Indonesia, added that Chevron's social investment activity is an integral part of the company's operational activities. "It's a value that is integrated and a handful wherever Chevron operates," concluded Danya.

(srs / JPC)

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