Children sick with blood cancer and Ridwan workers in Bangka Tengah Serangkutan need help


BANGKAPOS.COM, BANGKA – It has been innumerable how many times Muhammad Ridwansyah (43) cried and cried the fate that afflicted his family.

He felt that the path of life was so heavy.

The Koba sub-district, in the center of the Bangka Regency, is on the brink of despair

"I am confused to talk to whom else Mr. Ticket in Jakarta is still in debt yesterday," said Ridwan, Friday (13/7/2018). Ridwan is working odd jobs and the results are uncertain. The ordeal of life experienced by Ridwan when his third child was born on August 22, 2013.

His youngest son named Sulaiman was diagnosed by a doctor with blood cancer or leukemia

. RSUD Bangka Tengah

Since then, Sulaiman has battled his illness through the chemotherapy process at RSPAD Gatot Soebroto, Jakarta.

"Solomon must be treated 31 times In the early days, weekly therapy, now five Sunday This is already the last stage," said Ridwan

Sulayman who has this B + blood group underwent spinal cord removal very painful.

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