China has a waterfall as high as hundreds of meters


Jakarta, CNN Indonesia – China is always the most extreme tourist attraction. After the world's tallest glbad bridge, this time Panda Country has the highest artificial waterfall in the world.

As high as 108 meters, the artificial waterfall is located in a skyscraper located in Guiyang, Guizhou.

The skyscraper, Liebian International Plaza, is 121 meters high, functioning as an apartment, a hotel and an office.

The concept is almost similar to the fiction film "Skyscrapper". with the actor The Rock recently

International Plaza says that the waterfall only works during an important event, so the attraction can not be seen by the tourists every day.

Unlike natural waterfalls in the forest or mountains, this artificial waterfall is a shower that flows between glbad 108 at the pool on the ground floor

This artificial waterfall is powered by a water pump of 180 kilowatts. It took two hours to fill the machine with water for the attraction for an hour.

Being in the south of China, Guizhou is one of the most dynamic provinces.

Not only skyscrapers, but also many other large buildings that are preparing to dominate the skies of the city.

Before the highest artificial waterfall in the world, Guizhou is also the tallest telescope and the highest bridge in the world. ] (ard)

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