China plans to launch artificial month

[ad_1], SOLO – The moon is a natural satellite that illuminates the Earth at night. The moon turns on the Earth with a certain cycle. The moon revolves around the Earth by the power of the Creator of the universe. However, recently, a member of a research center team in China tried to create a fake month.

Wu Chungfeng, chairman of the Institute of Science and Technology Systems Chengdu Microelectronics (CCAC), said China would launch lighting satellites similar to those of the Moon in the next two years. Artificial moon the plan was sent to space in 2020. The artificial moon was designed to illuminate the night sky at night with a light claimed eight times brighter than the original moon.

City of Oddity Central, Friday (19/10/2018), bwe do not know exactly how bright the moonlight is. However, Wu Chufeng said the light was brighter than streetlights. Wu Chungfeng said the artificial moon technology has been tested since last year. Unfortunately, he did not explain whether the plan received government support or not.

"The light level is the light and it's time to shine The artificial moon can be adjusted. The accuracy of lighting can be controlled within a radius of a few tens of meters. Thus, later, the Artificial Moon can be used to illuminate the city skyline without using public lighting.", said Wu Chungfeng.

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