China signs the purchase of Indonesian palm oil



Jakarta – Chinese entrepreneurs sign contracts for the purchase of palm oil and Indonesian derivatives valued at $ 726 million Next year in Nanjing, copied from Antara to Jakarta.

Grand RI for China at the same time Mongolia Djauhari Oratmangun who co-chaired a seminar on the trade and promotion of palm oil in the capital of Jiangsu Province. "Indonesia, the world's largest producer of palm oil, continues to have a significant impact on the growth of the national economy.

Increasing demand and demand for oil palm from China can be met by Indonesians. and its derivatives, "said the ambbadador at a seminar organized by the Chamber of Commerce for the Import and Export of Food, Indigenous Products and Animal Products (CFNA). ) in cooperation with the Ministry of Commerce of China and the Beijing Embbady following a bilateral meeting between President Joko Widodo and Prime Minister Li Keqiang on May 7, 2018 at Bogor Palace, Java Western, especially regarding the purchase of at least 500,000 tons of Indonesian palm oil by China.

Hu said that the promotion of palm oil products should there It is argued that domestic oil palm products have a good reputation and are recognized by all levels of Chinese society and it was willing to bring entrepreneurs from both countries together to strengthen trade relations.

On this occasion, General Manager of Asian Affairs Mofcom Peng Gang, explained that the Indonesian trade with China continues to increase. China will continue to open its markets widely to Indonesia and the world.

The demand for Indonesian palm oil in China continues to increase. Indonesian palm oil imports by China in 2017 reached 2.21 billion US dollars, against 1.67 billion in 2016.

Data show that Indonesia is ranked among the top oil palm importing countries in China. It is also estimated that the value of Indonesian palm oil exports to China will continue to increase as demand from industry and society increases.

The total purchase contract for palm oil products and its derivatives is 1.21 million tons with 726 million US dollars. The purchase agreement is entered into by several Indonesian and Chinese companies, including PT Wilmar Nabati Indonesia, Cofco China and Yihai and Kerry Investment Co. Ltd. About 1 million tons of palm oil and its derivatives come from the plantations of the island of Sumatra.

Earlier, the Minister of Commerce, Enggartiasto Lukita, had reported to Indonesia a negative campaign of palm oil production produced from palm oil plantations. By the approach and communication, the EU has already postponed the ban of the CPO of Indonesia until 2030. According to the Minister of Commerce, Indonesia does not Does not accept the ban on the negative campaign against the National Palm Oil (CPO). as a negative campaign against national production

As a sovereign country and always respect the rules in force, Indonesia wants the same treatment of the international world. If we talk about "deforestation", Indonesia wants a collective agreement on this term, as well as its relations and its consequences with other vegetable oils.

But if the EU demonstrates an injustice, the Nasdem party politician declares it ready to show the same thing. He gave the example by talking to an official of the Norwegian Embbady who claimed to reject the Indonesian CPO at the request of the country's parliament.

"I spoke directly, I invited the ambbadador, I stopped, buying your product can say that I am also charged by my parliament," he said, copied from Antara

Similarly, when Indonesia has trouble including mangosteen, banana, pineapple and swiftlet are exported to China .The Ministry of Commerce also closed mandarin import taps and reported them to President Joko widodo explaining his considerations.

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