Asia Bibi, a Pakistani Christian, was officially released from prison following the Pakistani Supreme Court's decision to win her appeal, said her lawyer.
According to reports, Asia Bibi has flown, but the destination is unknown.
Earlier, the decision of the Supreme Court that released him sparked protests from Islamist groups and the government said it would ban him from leaving Pakistan.
Her husband later stated that they were in danger and had sought asylum in several countries.
Asia Bibi, a mother of five, was released from jail in the city of Multan, Pakistan, said her lawyer Saif Mulook.
In 2010, Asia Bibi – also known as Asia Noreen – was sentenced to death for being accused of insulting the Prophet Muhammad in a quarrel with her neighbor.
Some countries then offered him asylum.
After the acquittal of the Supreme Court, the Pakistani government declared that it would initiate legal proceedings to prevent it from going abroad, in order to put an end to the violent protests .
Most of the protesters are hardliners who support the blasphemy law and have called for hanging since the beginning of Asia.
An Islamist ruler said that the three Supreme Court justices – who by their appeal released Asia Bibi – were also "worthy of being killed".
Tehreek-e-Labaik (TLP) extremist party spokesman said the release of Asia Bibi had violated their agreement with the government.
"The authorities have shown their dishonesty," Reuters spokesman Reuters Ejaz Ashrafi told Reuters.
What did Asia Bibi charge?
Asia Bibi was tried at the beginning of her fight, which bore the original name Asia Noreen, with several women in June 2009.
At that time, they reaped fruit in Sheikhupura, near Lahore, when a fight broke out because of the use of water.
The women blamed Bibi for using their cups for drinking, so that their cups were now impure and that they could no longer use them.
Then it was mentioned in the litigation that some of them had stated that for this reason, Asia Bibi had to convert to Islam, to which Bibi had responded by making three statements about the Prophet Muhammad.
After the fight, Asia Bibi was beaten by people who accused him of blasphemy. He was later arrested as a result of a police investigation.
In 2010, Asia Bibi was sentenced to death for insulting the Prophet Muhammad in a quarrel with his neighbor.
He insisted that he was innocent. During his call, he was in prison and spent most of his time in solitary confinement.
Later, at the appeal hearing, the Supreme Court declared that this case was not based on solid evidence. Asia Bibi was later released – after 10 years in prison.
Why is this case so divisive?
Islam is the national religion of Pakistan as well as its legal system. Public support for strict blasphemy laws is very strong.
Extremist politicians often support harsh punishments as a way to support their political base of support.
But critics say the law is often used as an attempt at revenge after personal arguments, even if it is based on weak evidence.
Most of those targeted by the blasphemy law are Muslims or members of the Ahmadi community, but since the 1990s dozens of Christians have been sentenced.
Christians in Pakistan represent only 1.6% of the total population.
The country's Christian community has been the target of various attacks in recent years, making many people vulnerable to a climate of intolerance.
Since 1990, at least 65 people were reportedly killed in Pakistan because of their blasphemy allegations.
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