CIA: China wants to replace the United States becomes a superpower


WASHINGTON – United States (US) concerns about China are not common. In fact, a CIA official said China wanted to replace the US position as a superpower through various influential operations in different parts of the world. "President Xi Jinping and His Government Lead a Cold War Against the United States" The Director of the East Asian CIA Center Michael Collins told the media on Sunday (22/7): "In their terms and what President Xi said, I think that, by definition, what they do in the United States is a cold war

Certainly not as we saw during the Cold War, but by definition a cold war, "adds Collins

The Cold War that Collins means by definition is a country that exercises all the official and unofficial power that it possesses., government and private, economic and military, to weaken the opponent's position without conflict

This Beijing, Collins effort has continued, which means that in the end all the countries of the world will join him and not the United States. United States when deciding on their national interests in politics. "19659002" See President Xi's writings, his own vision of the world. It was not long ago, it became increasingly clear that the threat of China is the biggest global challenge for the United States today. "

Raise Rates

Meanwhile, US President Donald Trump's tariffs on all imported goods from China are worth $ 500 billion US Trump is also ready to step up clashes through trade policies that have undermined the financial markets.

"We are dropping a lot," Trump said in an interview on the trade imbalance with China on CNBC on Friday (20/7). go to 500, "he added. The US dollar is also down against major currencies, with Trump's threat imposing higher import duties and a repeat of complaints about rising interest rates and the strength of the US dollar. Federal Reserve officials have warned that the trade war could hurt the US economy. Ant / SB / AR-2

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