Citizens in Europe invited to participate in the spread of religious moderation


Currently developing transnational movements in the form of radicalism and extremism.

REPUBLIKA.CO.ID, JAKARTA – The Ministry of Religious Affairs (Kemenag) invites Indonesians in Europe to develop religious moderation. How, by developing a humanist paradigm in religion.

This invitation was conveyed by Secretary General Kemenag Nur Syam at the opening of the interfaith dialogue of Indonesian society in Europe which took place in the Vatican, Italy. The dialogue initiated by the Vatican Embbady was attended by representatives of the Indonesian people in 22 countries.

"We must develop a humanistic paradigm in religion.It is a moderate religious attitude with a polite and balanced religious indication, polite in the management of its religion and in social interaction", he says in a written declaration received Monday (2/7). [19659003] According to Nur Syam, developing a transnational movement in the form of radicalism and extremism. This movement is very disturbing harmony and harmony among religious believers. This movement is also developed in Indonesia.

"Balanced in the satisfaction of material and spiritual needs, individually and socially, and in the treatment of God, man and the natural environment," he continued.

The moderate society, continues Nur Syam, should not be easily instigated, angry and accused or constrained. Religion must be used as social capital to build a harmonious, harmonious and peaceful life.

Nur Syam felt that the religious moderation movement should be encouraged. It is to build a religious life that pedal between two extremisms, left and right. The left, the very liberal and the very radical right have to be restored with medium to moderate.

"The Ministry of Religious Affairs has developed the Forum on Religious Harmony (FKUB) throughout Indonesia, a forum that can be used as a place of dialogue as part of the construction of the Harmony and harmony in religion, "he said:" If we are facing conflicts between religions, this forum should be a place of exchange it has continued.

Nur Syam appreciates and supports the initiative of the Vatican Embbady which held a forum for interreligious dialogue .In his opinion, it is important to build solidarity by promoting harmony and harmony.

"It is necessary to take cultural measures to build peace among citizens, between communities and even between nations. Indonesia can really be a good example in the construction of religious harmony, "he said.

The Interfaith Dialogue of Indonesian Society in Europe was inaugurated by the United States. Ambbadador to the Vatican, Antonius Agus Sriyono.In his view, this dialogue aims to build a mutual understanding of inter-religious relations in Indonesia.The forum includes lecturers from various religions, Islam, Christianity, Catholicism, the Hinduism, Buddhism and Confucianism

A similar opinion was issued by Dewi Sawitri Wahab, an expert of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Social and Cultural Affairs and Indonesian Empowerment at the Ministry of Foreign Affairs. According to him, the program of interfaith dialogue of Indonesian society in Europe is very precise and strategic.

"This program is very relevant to the government's policy of continuing to mobilize interreligious dialogue. This is in line with the program to build a moderate religion, such as Islam wasathiyah to achieve Islam rahmatan lil alamin, "he said.

Dewi Sawitri hopes that the Indonesian diaspora in Europe is also involved in building a moderate, non-violent and peaceful life.The diaspora should also be involved in maintaining harmony between religions and between nations.In addition, the political dynamic should be increase in parallel with the presidential election of 2019.

"This meeting produced a useful recommendation for the people and the Indonesian nation, especially to maintain the unity and unity of the nation" ., b, e, v, n, t, s)
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